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Old February 24th, 2018, 02:20 AM
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Default Re: Mud, Blood, and a Flash Flood

Originally Posted by Leaf_tail View Post
Seething with rage and pain, Brokencreek snarled and leaped forward, his claws swiping at Passionblaze's face. Before he had gotten too far, the mud around his feet caught on his fur, pulling him to down to his paws. He hissed in rage and tugged his feet from the thick sludge. He backed away from the other cat as the reality of the battle sank in. The rain, the mud... StarClan must be furious, he realized. But not even StarClan could keep him from this battle.

It wasn't only StarClan that was affecting his performance. The other cuts and wounds along his body were slowly but surely sapping at his strength. The rain made his kinked tail ache dully. Though he kept his teeth bared and his hackles raised, his exhaustion was evident in the slump of his muscles. Brokencreek could barely muster the effort to dodge the tom's attacks. I can't do this, he realized, his desperation mounting.

In a flurry of remounted vigor, he pulled his ears flat and attacked Passionblaze, aiming for the soft underskin of his belly. If you can't win fair, play dirty.
Giving up was not an option. Never an option when it came to the flamed tom. He fought until he was motionless. Since he wasn’t dead yet, he was still useful, so he continued to fight. Every burning sensation was shadowed by his empty thoughts and raged emotions. Passionblaze detected a drop of energy from his opponent. Giving up so quickly? Possibly, this gave Passionblaze an advantage. Then again, Passionblaze didn’t like to fight opponents who were tired so quickly.

Then, the tom came hurtling back towards Passionblaze, giving the deputy less time to recuperate. Passionblaze rolled to the side, feeling fresh claw marks wound his side. Internally, the deputy was screaming but his outward appearance had been eerily calm. Blood, mixed with rain created such a graphic scene that it wasn’t for the faint of the heart.

Passionblaze, as quick as he could, he used the strength in his bulky legs to kick at the Shadowclan warrior. At least to throw him far enough so that he was able to cater to his side. This was not a simple wound. His side, deeply gashed made it hurt for him to twist. Despite this, Passionblaze never been the one to allow pain to deter him. So, he was up again in a flash, ready to endure whatever this tom offered. The power of impulsion was fearless. The weak of impulsion was reckless.