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Old February 25th, 2018, 10:49 PM
Gone Gone is offline
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Default Re: RiverClan Territory

Originally Posted by CFVY View Post
Berryfang got a little angry just a little but she looked away as he nuzzled her she didn't mean it in a rude way she just didn't feel comfortable then she huffed " well your fear whent away quickly for you salmontail mine never will its...apart of me in a way like my scar i wish it would go away but it's normal for me now even though I wish that I didn't have it once in a while. My fear is normal and it will never go away if you understand " she meowed her voice was a bit stern which she didn't intend for it to be then she sighed and looked at him " and thanks for not laughing " she meowed her tone was soft . Berryfang blinked then smiled as he said yes " also I was asking you minnow brain" she meowed playfully she saw the shadow come towards their direction she flicked her tail and dipped her claw in the water in front of the shadow this time and scooped up the fish watching it wiggle in the air then she jumped up and tried to bite the fish but she missed it and it fell back in the water. Berryfang fell down and into the river she hissed as she tried to pounce on the fish but it got out of her paws she tried to bite it again and succeeded she held the fish in her jaws but the downside was her fur was soaked . She growled and got back onto dry land now shaking her fur she huffed and flicked her tail. Berryfang set the fish down and her ears flattened you minnow brain!! Your a warrior not apprentice ! Get it right
Salmontail gazed at her, eyes wide. "I didn't mean to offend you in any way, that scar doesn't look bad either, and we all have scars, some just don't show, you know, I don't have RiverClan blood because my parents abandonned me, do you know how bad it feels to learn that I was never raised by my biological parents? I don't even know what they look like, and unlike you, I can barely swim." He admitted. "I'm not the kind of tom who makes fun of others weaknesses, because one day, it'll turn against you, and I prefer making friends, not ennemies." The warrior added, he watched her hunt for a little, smiling, but he knew what she was getting wrong, he waited until she was out of the water and spoke. "When you scoop it out of the water, you need to scoop it onto the grass in order for him to have a hard time trying to go back into the water, that's when you strike and kill it." He explained and closed his eyes as she shook her fur, getting some water on him as she did so.

((Last post for today, I'm tired))
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