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Old February 26th, 2018, 10:04 AM
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Default Re: Mud, Blood, and a Flash Flood

Originally Posted by Suspiciousmindz View Post

There was too much happening. Treetiger was inhaling and exhaling rapidly before she closed her eyes and concentrated. An eerie feeling began to consume her before she began hearing that familiar voice once more. Thank goodness! she thought to herself, feeling a little relief before the trance was broken by a rather rude voice. Her green eyes flashed open and rested on Shadetail. Let him have it... "I must appear threatening enough for a young cat if you're willing to challenge me so easily," she replied before a voice snapped in her head. Oh! How silly of her! She needed to get into a battle stance or it would appear she didn't know what she was doing! The Bengal mix crouched down, lashing her tail behind her. Her green hues glowed with challenge. Good... the more threatening the better, be ready for the attack! it snapped once more and Treetiger couldn't help but growl under her breath. "I already know this!" It was loud enough for Shadetail to hear, but this was normal for Treetiger, it would throw her off if he responded to that.
Shadetail, crouched low in his battle stance, yellow eyes narrowed, suddenly blinked as he heard Treetiger mutter something else. His stance relaxed just a hair, and he lifted his head just a bit. "Knew what?" he called, keeping his tone level so as to not reveal his surprise with her rather odd statement. The ShadowClan warrior was well aware that this might be some sort of ThunderClan battle trick to get their opponents off guard. Well it won't work with me, sweetheart, he thought, narrowing his eyes once more. "You know, it doesn't even matter. I'm gonna put a few scratches in that lovely pelt of yours regardless," he hissed, scrapping one claw across the dirt as he spoke. A low growl rumbled in his chest and without a second thought the tom lept towards Treetiger, claws extended and aiming for her shoulder.
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walkin' in a winder wonderland~