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Old February 26th, 2018, 03:47 PM
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Tavvi Tavvi is offline
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Default Re: WindClan Nursery

Originally Posted by Midgefur View Post
[ooc: Sorry for the wait, I know it's the weekend. Last night I got picked up from residence at 3am and got back to my hometown at 5... Then saw a cat get struck so we took him to an emerg vet. We were both exhausted by the time we got home.]

The chocolate molly held a downtrodden look as Gorsebird talked about her mate. She didn't know Stormglare personally, so there wasn't much more she could add to that other than a nod of the head or sympathetic twitch of her whiskers. The bitter tone when the queen brought up her son again made Snailflower tense up, who was she to talk down about cats being pregnant in Leafbare exactly? And still using 'she' and 'her' for the pointed tom.
"Gorsebird, it's really not appropri-" The she-cat began, but held her tongue with a knitted brow. She could see in the dim light that the queen was getting upset by the rise and quiver of her fur, it wouldn't be right to egg her any further when she was already under the heavy stress of her litter. Maybe once she was feeling better or had kitted, they could bring it up again.
"Are Tawnykit and Streamkit happy to not be the youngest anymore? They're so excitable." Snailflower meowed, changing the subject to hopefully something more lighthearted.
"Oh, no dear, go on! Don't try to change the subject because you're worried I might get another tummy ache. If you have something to say, say it!" Gorsebird gibbed. She was never (and never would be) keen on turning away from an argument especially one that seemed so easy to win.

Last edited by Tavvi; February 26th, 2018 at 03:59 PM.