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Old February 26th, 2018, 06:40 PM
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Default Re: Mud, Blood, and a Flash Flood

Originally Posted by .:Blue Wishes:. View Post

Golden’s shoulders stung, and now he was trying to get her off him. Thankfully, his claws actually managed to scrape across her stomach, and that helped a bunch. Quickly pushing himself up, grimacing as he felt mud plastered against his body. He could push the substance away, but that wasn’t the thing on his mind right now. What was actually on his mind was getting this cat to leave him alone. “The question you should be asking yourself is why your deputy attacked first.” he growled, his eyes narrowed. She was trying to stall, that was obvious, and that only made him lunge towards the she-Cat once again, trying not to kill her, but make sure that she would learn to check her facts before accusing him. Yes, he did attack, but passionblaze had hurt him first! There wasn’t any time to think about it right now, his eyes narrowed as he tried to pin her down.
Sweetfawn hissed, wiggling from us grasp, her tail lashing back and forth. Rain began to fall, slow at first but steadily growing heavier as time wore on. "You attacked my clanmates!" She yowled. She was about to say more, whatever would come to mind at the moment, but was toppled over by his sheer speed and her unawareness. Cursing silently, she dug her paws into the mud, cringing outwardly as they sunk it, and tried to tear herself free, leaving a bit of her fur in his claws. Her belly was now searing with pain after having the wound stretched as she was bowled over. She shook her head to clear the ringing, but still found herself weary. Deciding that one more attack couldn't hurt, Sweetfawn darted forward, aiming a mighty swipe at the ShadowClan leader's muzzle, sharp claws unsheathed. If the blow fell, she hoped he would get the message that juts becuase she was small and young, she couldn't be chased off that easily.

(( sorry for the belatedness ))
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