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Old February 27th, 2018, 11:13 AM
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Default Re: RiverClan Territory

Originally Posted by starfall View Post

The leader kept his tail low enough so it was brushing the very tips of the pebbles and dirt that covered Riverclans territory. He was, a little hot headed, to say the least, at the moment. Of course, being the idiot he was, he couldn't fully explain why. He knew the reason, it was on the tip of his tongue, and yet, he had so much trouble finding the words for the reason, of course he wasn't one who was able to explain his emotions very well to begin with. The burly feline had taken a walk to cool his head, not wishing to snap at any of his clanmates, not wishing to scare them, it wasn't how he wanted to be known as leader. Of course that word still held a vile taste on his tongue, he didn't know how to be a leader, and deep down, he didn't want to be a leader. Of course, he couldn't just step down, not with the clans on the brink of another war, and with the recent stepping down of Snowstar, there would be too much confusion.

Fallenstar was yanked out of his thoughts as he heard the grass rustle next to him. He perked his ears and looked around, his lapis hues raking across the clearing littered with reeds and tall grass. He smelled no scent of another clan, nor did he scent loner, rogue or kittypet, a mouse perhaps? No, mice don't make their way into Riverclan territory unless they're searching for water, but the river was north of where he was. He shrugged it off and continued to make his way forward until he heard the reeds rustle once again, making the toms fur fluff up and his ears swivel towards the sound. "OI" he shouted, his tail lashing. "Step out whoever you are, I can hear you." he ordered, his fangs flashing. He did not appreciate being stalked while he was trying to calm himself down.
The cat's eyes widened as he heard the voice of another, much older cat. He crouched down as low to the reeds as he could and began to consider his options. His pelt didn't make for good camouflage, so it wouldn't be long before he was spotted. He also wasn't sure how to move among the reeds without making a sound, which meant sneaking past the owner of this voice was out of the question. He could run for it, but in his current state he wouldn't get far and it would only serve to waste what little energy he had left. The cat sighed as he realized the only option he had left was to surrender. He spoke quietly, trying to save his voice but still revealing his location. "Please sir, I mean you no harm. I am only here to search for food, water, and a place to rest. I'm going to stand up now. I ask that you do the same." The cat stood up as tall as he could, still not quite managing to pass the reeds. He glanced over the reeds on the right side of his body before craning his neck as far as he could to his left.
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