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Old March 1st, 2018, 05:32 PM
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Tavvi Tavvi is offline
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Default Re: WindClan Nursery

Originally Posted by Spiral Whirl View Post
The tom didn't really get why it was called Tempestkit, assuming it was his temper however. Stormglare chucked at her rambling, shrugging. "Heronkit sounds like a beautiful name. So does Stagkit [ almost said stagkid XD ], and Cyclonekit. Hmm, how about.. um.. " He paused, thinking. Thinking really did hurt your head sometimes. After a while he list three name offs, "Um.. Whiskkit, Sunsestkit, or maybe Cedarkit?" So he did take the last name off her favorite prey. Stormglare grinned at her, "You must be really creative because just thinking those names up made my head spin!"
"It's not hard when you have hours to think them over!" She chirped nuzzling him, and preparing to take another bite of prey but then giving a single look at her swollen stomach and deciding against it her mood abruptly changing, "Sweetie, be honest with me am I getting pudgy?" She inquired, not liking the idea of her perfect figure slipping away, "Because just a few days ago a kit walked up to me and called me a dirty kitty-pet!" Se whined feeling tears starting to well-up in her eyes.

[I know cats can't cry but *shrug*]