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Old March 2nd, 2018, 12:11 PM
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Rivergold Rivergold is offline
The Mouseless Warrior
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Default Re: RANDOMNESS (plz join XD)

Originally Posted by Equinox View Post


"Hey, Rivergold," Leafpaw whispered. "Come on." Then, turning to Icebite, she added, "And with all due respect, sir, I wouldn't want you to get in trouble either." Over the period of the battle and the wild chase after Tinypaw, Leafpaw had decided to try and be nicer to the -bites. Even though she hated how they showed little to no respect to the others of their Clan, she still believed they deserved it. And maybe having respect not given from fear would make them a little kinder.
Originally Posted by ~Wild Moon~ View Post

Blazestar nodded in approval.

Icebite didn't reply, but his expression was part confused, part annoyed. He didn't care who was nice to him and who wasn't.
Foxbite pricked his red-brown ears, but didn't say anything.

Bramblepaw shifted in her nest.
Softlily gently stopped her from moving so her wounds didn't reopen.
Shadow gazed at Bramblepaw from the entrance, worry clouding his gaze. 'How am I going to explain this to her?' he thought, keeping Bloodshadow from hearing his question.
Originally Posted by Equinox View Post

With a sigh, the apprentice turned away from Icebite and Firefang and trudged over to Foxbite. Though she had no wounds that came from tooth or claw, the burns from the flames that'd had suddenly appeared hurt. Not as much as they should, she realized with a jolt. I've read about this... it's a third degree burn. I shouldn't even be able to walk right now. She glanced down at her legs ad saw the black twisted marks. If I can't feel them... something must be wrong.
(Sorry guys!)

River flicked her ears back at the reminder. "Okay." She stood and looked at Ravenshadow. "You're joining Blazeclan, then?"
I have the ADHD
I'll forget.
"You know the saying 'the tables have turned'?
Well these tables have flipped, rolled and spontaneously combusted into potatoes." ~me

"That's not a riddle. That's a prophecy."
"Sounds like a riddle, is a riddle. Riddled with loops and whorls and only makes sense after someone dies." ~Turtle

what the blanket