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Old March 4th, 2018, 06:14 PM
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Tavvi Tavvi is offline
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Default Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Broken Madness View Post
He laughs awkwardly “ yes it is stupid but that’s the only thing I got right now. But we can ask around maybe someone can help us! But unfortunately... I don’t know much females so do you know anyone that might be perfect for this?” He asks softly as he lays his head down in his mate’s back. Purring softly hoping to calm him a bit with it “ .... hmmm... Death does have a crush on someone within the clans.. anyway your choice my love. Who do you think can give us the gift of being parents “ he says with a soft smile.
( should we make a finder? :3)
(Sure! Should it be for just the surrogate or the kits too?)

"No idea." He stated glumly pressing his muzzle to his mate pelt, "I mean I guess we could ask around. I can be their 'real' father and perhaps we could find a cat that looks like you? I want it to feel like their our kits and not just me and some rando's." Wildstrike mewed, "You know if I had it my way I could just be proofed into a she-cat for two moons or so and have kits biologically with you." He simpered, smiling in somewhat of a daze thinking of tabby silver kittens with amber and blue eyes calling him papa.

(Wildstrike has a horrible case of kit fever if I do say so myself XD)

Last edited by Tavvi; March 4th, 2018 at 06:24 PM.