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Old March 5th, 2018, 12:44 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Medicine Cat's Den

Originally Posted by king kaleb! View Post
"Shadetail, and ex syndicate member, im guessing you were going to state?" they mewed bluntly, reading the toms nervousness quiet easily. daydream didnt mind nor care that there was an ex ds member in their clan. they would heal no matter what cat, what clan, or background. its just who they were, even if they seemed rather judgmental. they shrugged, starting to wall over to their herb wall, little herbs shoved in cracks of the rocks. the tip of their tail twitched,"Now that we got the awkwardness out of the way, i dont really care where youre from if thats whats running through your mind," they mewed casually, eyes lazily looking over the herbs for the one they needed. they were good when sensing what was running through cats heads, it was a sixth sense in a way, but they hoped their words made the warrior less nervous. "anyway, tell me the symptoms of your injury."
Shocked was an understatement to describe the feeling that passed over Shadetail. He hadn't quite met any cat with the ability to read him like Daydream just had - and they barely knew each other. "O-Oh, well, in that case..." he grunted, clearing his throat and ducking his head slightly to hide the fact that he was surprised. Still, it didn't rid the dark thoughts that swirled in the warriors head. It seemed well enough that the medicine cat wouldn't hold any prejudice towards him for his heritage, but with the weight of disgrace from his Clanmates, it was hard to distinguish those cats who were still good at heart. "It's been a little numb. Started as a sharp pain, which I think was when it was first dislocated. I don't think it was too terrible, but ever since I've had this dull ache," he replied, looking at his shoulder with a wrinkled nose. It wasn't that the dislocation itself had been painful or noticeable - he'd been in the heat of battle, and had endured much worse as a Fighter - but now that the battle had calmed down, it was rather bothersome.
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walkin' in a winder wonderland~