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Old March 14th, 2018, 02:16 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Mystical View Post

Weaselshade was not a social butterfly, but he did have a pretty good social life. As in he had plenty of friends. Though the clearing was not exactly his favorite place in WindClan, he enjoyed it very much and found that if you just wanted to relax with friends than it was definitely the place. Currently that was exactly what he wanted to do, so he was looking for one of his friends. He said down a little bit outside of the warriors den and began to look around. Hoping he would either see Lionsoar or his apprentice. For though he was looking to talk to someone training his apprentice would be perfectly fine as well. After a while when he didn't see either of them he decided to just rest and wait for someone to approach him. Right when he was about to lie down, he thought he saw someone familiar. Weaselshade turned to look and noticed it was indeed someone that he knew. It was Fawnfern! How could that be? She had never come out of the nursery since the kits had been born, except of course to get food. He looked around, and he noticed the three kits playing a while away. I bet it was Racconkit's idea. He chuckled at his own thought. He stood up and padded over to where Fawnfern was rolling around in the grass. He looked down at her. "I thought you preferred the nursery," He playfully teased, and swatted gently at her ear.
Fawnfern allowed her paws to reach as far as they could, until she pulled them into her, rolling onto her other side, and repeating her actions. Afterwards, she stayed relaxed on her back, stretching her paws towards the sky until she pulled them in and allowed them to rest against her. The cream colored Molly’s ears twitched, but her gaze never left the sky. The color blue, matched the color of her eyes. Maybe the sky was a brighter blue while hers been more of a dim color blue. No less, the color blue always been a calming effect. Something grand to admire. She admitted that looking into Clearkit’s blue orbs always made her day a lot happier. Fawnfern’s view was blocked when she noticed someone approached her. She blinked her eyes until the outline of Weaselshade came into view. “Oh, hi, Weasel,” She replied, serenity present in her voice. Fawnfern lazily tried to swipe a paw back at the tom in retaliation for swatting her ear, but since she was pleasantly relaxed, all she could do was purr at the action. “I do prefer the nursery.” She told him, then added, “But I think Raccoonkit was getting on the other queen’s nerves with his constant rampages. I swear I don’t know where his energy is coming from, so maybe being out here will tire him out.” Fawnfern rolled over so now that she laid on her stomach. She crossed her paws in front of her, tilting her head to look up at Weaselshade. “I wish I could be taking a nap right now, but I can’t sleep knowing that those three are still up and terrorizing the other queens and kits,” Fawnfern giggled, affectionately. Fawnfern’s tail swished behind her, finally staying placed on the side of her, comfortably. “How you’ve been doing all today?” She asked, curiously. She imagined he would be with one of his friends. She found it surprising that he decided to come up to her.