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Old March 16th, 2018, 02:44 AM
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Default Re: WindClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Mystical View Post

Weaselshade found his kits antics to be rather amusing the way Thea talked about it, but he still felt bad for her. It seemed like the only time she ever got a bit of peace was when the kits were all sleeping, and by the way she talked about it was rarely. However the way his kits behaved was amusing, surely even she could admit that. Fawnfern was the one who had wanted kits after all, so surely she must have at least found the kittens behavior semi-amusing. After all, what was more interesting than watching the kits play their adorable and ridiculous games. Surely she found the kittens as adorable and interesting as he did, maybe even more. However she was the one who slept with them and lived with them. Perhaps they were far worse than they appeared, you never knew. "What about Sil, does she give you any trouble when you're trying to rest?" He asked, already knowing the answer. The only kit that gave nobody any trouble was Clearkit. She did need help a lot of the time though. That was really one of her only flaws so far. Perhaps she would not be as great of a warrior as her siblings when she was older, but if she listened to her mentor as intently as she listened to her mother she could be a great warrior. Fawnfern's reaction to what he said surprised him. She didn't seem as reassured as he had hoped she would be. Perhaps she had not been as happy before and had just been pretending. Or maybe he had said something that upset her. "I can't help it I just think a lot about the future," He purred, hoping his cheerful attitude might cheer her up. He cocked his head to the side and listened intently as she spoke. "I thought you liked kits," He said, hoping he didn't insult her.
Weaselshade lay down next to her hoping that if he was level with her he might be able to see her expression. He closed his eyes a little bit, hoping to not show her the slightly hurt expression in his eyes. He opened them back up and looked over at her. He opened his mouth to say something, but then closed it again when he realized he didn't have anything to say. He knew that if he accidentally had an attitude with Fawnfern, than he was pretty much doomed for the rest of the conversation. "I didn't mean it liked that, Fawn," He said gently, hoping that his soft tone might calm her down a bit, "I just meant a she-cat might not be very happy about me visiting the kits and you." Weaselshade closed his eyes, again, not wanting to see her reaction in case it was a negative one. He could never be sure what would happen every time he said just one word to her. She had such an attitude he found himself being very cautious and trying not to hurt her feelings almost all the time he was near her. He rarely relaxed when she was around. "I wasn't sure that you thought of me as a friend, I was afraid I might insult you." He said quietly, resting his head on his paws. "No offense, but you get insulted to easily. Like right now, I'm not sure what I did to hurt your feelings," Weaselshade said turning his gaze away from the molly. He didn't want to see her reaction. He never did. "I don't like to upset you," He admitted, his voice but a murmur.
It wasn’t that Fawnfern didn’t like her kits antics - they could provide her with a lot of peace, but she did love that they played around. After all, they are simply kits with the aspiration to grow up and have fun. Their life really hadn’t started until they were apprentices, in-training to be warriors. Besides, whenever she had a bad day, and she was ready to collapse in her nest, all she needed to do was glance at her kits and watch them play at a distance. Ever since the three were born, it was quite easy to get into a routine of knowing the kits. Fawnfern knew parenting wasn’t easy. Especially since she was technically a single mother. “Sily always confuses me. She’s a good kit, but she has her moments where she knows that she does something bad,” Fawnfern sighed longingly. “I don’t know why all my kits couldn’t be like Clearkit. She’s the only angelic one!” Fawnfern exclaimed. Clearkit was such a precious angel that Fawnfern knew she would have plenty trouble watching Clearkit grow up. Specifically because Clearkit always been quite the push over. Maybe I should be teaching her to grow a backbone, Fawnfern thought inwardly. She was tired of seeing Clearkit’s siblings bully her around. “I do love how the kits are different. Even if...well, you know, they could be troubling,” Fawnfern snickered. Weaselshade wouldn’t know much of that since he only got so much time to spend with them.
Fawnfern finally had glanced towards Weaselshade, her ears flicking back against her head at his cheerful tone. She didn’t understand why he could be so happy about the future. Maybe he didn’t have anything to worry about, she concluded. Weaselshade seemed to be ready to accept anything that came his way. “What do you think the future holds?” She asked, tilting her head to the side showing genuine curiosity. Fawnfern preferred to live in the present because if she thought about the future, she knew it would stress her out. The future had a way of exciting others, making them worried, of deterring them with its suspenseful qualities. “Oh, I love kits. With all my heart.” She replied, softly. “I do...want to nurse another litter...I just want to take things nice and steady.” Fawnfern finally says, nodding after her response. Still a little tense and uncomfortable as Weaselshade would never understand the desperate measures she have to go through if she wanted another litter. She haven’t thought about getting close to another Tom. As of now, she gave her entire attention to her kits.
After that little burst, and a slight sulken mood, Fawnfern laid as far as the grass on the moorlands could hide her. She didn’t want to look at anybody, but she felt Weaselshade lay beside her, eyeing her level to gain her attention. She flicked her eyes to look at him before quickly throwing her gaze back to her kits. She didn’t bother to reply back to his words until she sighed and lifted her head to look at him. “I don’t understand, though. Why would she have a problem with you seeing your kits?” If Weaselshade did allow himself to pursue another female, Fawnfern saw no harm in this. The she cat should want Weaselshade to visit his kits. Though the main problem wouldn’t be the kits; it would be her. “It’s not like anything is going on between us. She’ll have nothing to be envious about.” Fawnfern crinkled her nose. That was something she wouldn’t allow herself to get caught in. She shouldn’t be trying to involve herself into the tom’s Love life in the first place. Although, it sounded so sad if he were to be alone...all his life...because of her. As Weaselshade spoke once more, Fawnfern simply listened. She looked down at her paws with a frown on her face. His next words made her ears flicker. She knew that she got insulted easily. That was because she was feisty and didn’t like anyone who came off as rude towards her. “Oh, you know what you did to get me started, Weasel. It sounded like you were annoyed with me just because I joked that this friend of yours might be a girlfriend. I’m sorry if I may have offended you as well.” Fawnfern says, her paws softly kneading the grass they laid upon. Fawnfern was surprised at his voice - the words that he muttered. She wondered if she heard him correctly. The queen blinked her eyes to look at the tom but his gaze was elsewhere. Since when did he ever start caring about upsetting me? She thought incredulously. She was positive that Weaselshade was beginning to tolerate her. As a clan mate, not a friend. She truly didn’t think he cared about how she felt, but those words couldn’t have been a lie. Feeling her heart oddly skip a beat, Fawnfern scooted closer to the tom, cautiously nuzzling his cheek. “Awwwwww, Weasel....” The she cat softly purred. Fawnfern didn’t know what could had shift her thoughts about the Somali tom, but expectingly she started to find him very sweet. She liked that title; being his friend.