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Old March 20th, 2018, 10:43 PM
Gone Gone is offline
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Florence + machine View Post
Ok )
Rileyflower tilted her head with a hum then she shrugged with a flick of her tail " I'm not sure but I suppose it's because they're afraid to leave their den? I'm pretty sure that they start looking around other twoleg dens just in case . I wonder if she's still there.. " she meowed the last part a bit quietly and suddenly she felt that ache in her heart and realized she missed her twoleg it didn't happen to her when she was just starting out as a warrior but it was happening now . Maybe it was old memories that made her feel that . She pushed that feeling deep inside and tried to ignore it she is in a clan now this is the life she chose. Make one step forward into this life you can't go back . Well she might when she's an elder. But will Danny be there when she is? Suddenly she started panicking if her twoleg is even there at all you could see it on her face oh starclan! Should I stay here or should I go back home?! I can't get rid of those feelings or memories ...and I made a promise to you and to the clan....oh but my twoleg is probably really sad or...starclan help me please! a frown showed on her muzzle automatically with our her realizing it as she thought these things
As she told him that twolegs weren't like that because they were scared of leaving their den, he was actually confused for once, how could such big creatures be scared like that? "So, twolegs could be considered to be scaredy cats?" He asked, looking up at her, but he suddently remembered something, that the twolegs exchanged a weird thing for cats. "If your twoleg has that weird thing they take with them, then your twoleg must've gotten a new cat." He realised, maybe he wasn't wrong, what that loner had told him could've been true, maybe twolegs were heartless, he gave the she-cat a worried look as she frowned. "Are you okay? You're frowning." He mewed, eyes widening a little.