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Old March 25th, 2018, 03:44 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by Beau View Post
Magnoliaspark watched with a friendly interest as Passionstar traveled around his new den and breathed in the sweetly scented air. Her drowsiness had evaporated like dew on a sunny morning as soon as Passionstar had arrived. She was far too interested in his experience with Starclan to even think about napping. Her ginger friend’s response was animated and drew Magnoliaspark in. She wished he could tell her more, but figured that it was a leaders only type of experience. Magnoliaspark snorted at Passionstar’s comment about vacationing in Starclan and she quipped, “Be careful what you wish for! We don’t want you going back to Starclan anytime soon.” The new leader did seem tired, and Magnoliaspark figured that he had good reason to be, “Well, you have a new nest that is perfect for napping! You look like you could use some rest.” Magnoliaspark was glad that her friend was oblivious. If he had seen her odd reaction to him breathing in her scent, the cream feline would’ve been terribly embarrassed. Instead, Passionstar focused on his new nest. Magnoliaspark took the opportunity to hanger the subject by teasing Passionstar on his awkward phrasing. His response was even more awkward and Magnoliaspark couldn’t hold in a peak of laughter as the tom dug himself further into a metaphorical hole. The warrior shook her head and lifted her tail tip to his muzzle for a moment, “You’d better stop before you hurt yourself,” she teased, sitting down. Magnoliaspark’s meadow green eyes followed with an amused glimmer as Passionstar hopped into his nest and rolled around. The tan Somali gave her friend a fake scowl as he mentioned thanking the unnamed apprentices in response to her tone that clearly sought praise for herself. When Passionstar finally did, Magnoliaspark smiled and nodded, “You’re welcome! Just keep me off of all future dawn patrols and we’ll call it even.” She said with a wink. Magnoliaspark shrugged as he continued. It hadn’t been too difficult, and Passionstar was her friend! He deserved extra attention from her. Magnoliaspark responded, “I just figured you’d be tired and stressed with all these changes. Whenever I’m stressed, flowers help. We may be friends, but i still don’t know too much about you...” and you don’t know much about me, she thought guiltily, wondering how he’d feel when he found out that she wasn’t actually Thunderclan born. After merely a second of a break, Magnolia continued, “ I just did what would make me feel better. Besides, every cat deserves a friend and a comfortable nest during stressful times.” Magnoliaspark gave Passionstar a genuine smile and shrugged again. She joined in his laughing at the joke, but stopped when he nuzzled her cheek. It was a surprisingly intimate gesture, not that she was offended. She simply felt the same heart hiccup from earlier. Once again, Magnoliaspark brushed it off and laughed some more, still ignoring her budding crush.
Passionstar wished he could tell Magnoliaspark his experience in Starclan...but he couldn’t explain it with words. He was positive that Magnoliaspark could see it within his beaming expression. “Being in Starclan, you’ll almost feel like a star yourself. It’s like your entire heart build with this momentum until it’s ready to burst into little pieces. Each piece turn into stardust and you’re able to hop from one to the other without the fear of falling off...” he replied, dreamily. He exhaled a breath of bliss. Passionstar flicked his ears at his friend’s comment. He knew that she just didn’t understand the euphoria blast of emotion that entangled his heart and felt like the vines were twisting into every being in his body. Magnoliaspark’s reply caused Passionstar to hum in response. Currently, in his mind he wasn’t planning on joining the ranks of Starclan any time soon. “I don’t know if I could keep that promise. Starclan is pretty inviting,” the only thing he wished he had done in Starclan was see his father. After receiving his lives, bringing far too much pain than he could bear, he was too exhausted, and quickly sent back awoken in a state of reality. “I’ll get some sleep later.” He answers. “Still got things to do. Don’t think it would be very polite to sleep when I have company.” Passionstar almost let out a yawn but quickly feigned into a cough. Now, at his nest, and admiring the touch-ups that Magnoliaspark added, Passionstar always knew he was somewhat awkward. He didn’t like embarrassing himself. He wished he had shut his muzzle before digging himself deeper. Magnoliaspark seemed to be having a good laugh out of it. Passionstar had immediately shut his maw after feeling the soft delicate texture of her tail tip, that prevented him from opening it. “I’m glad you find my humiliation a humorous time.” He gave her a half smile, then started testing out his new nest to see if it fit his comfort level. After rolling around in it a bit, he finally hopped up, praising Magnoliaspark for a sweet job. “Hm,” he thought about her offer. “How about two sunrises off of dawn patrol and we’ll call it even?” He suggested, countering her effort to try and get off of one specific responsibility through out the rest of her living moons. Listening to the reason as to why she done it. “Well, still. I appreciate it. You didn’t have to do it. It wasn’t your responsibility but the fact you done this out the kindness of your heart.” He dipped his head towards the she cat. Noting the second part of her sentence, Passionstar had nodded softly. They recently had become friends, and he didn’t know very much about her. Passionstar had sat down, allowing a paw to graze the decorated flowers on his nest. Getting to know him was not a simple task. Pretty much displaying a kind, joking attitude showed from afar that he was easy to approach. Flicking his green-amber hues to stare at the tawny she cat, he shrugged lightly. “Wouldn’t you love to get to know me?” He tsked, rolling his eyes to the ceiling of the den. Then staring kindly at her with a softened expression, he added, “Stick around and we'll see.” That was the simple task to do. In order to get to know each other, it meant spending time. Passionstar knew he would had loved to get to know Magnoliaspark. The only thing he would perhaps get in his way - duties. Within time, Passionstar figured he would get into the hang of things. Once that was established, he’d be able to make time for his friends. Passionstar had stepped up to nuzzle his friend, to show his gratitude and appreciation for what she had done for him. Pulling away, he smiled. For a moment, he sat lost in his thoughts trying to collect them together. What a day! I’m drained out - I’m never drained out! Yet, Passionstar refused to lay down. He refused to sleep. At least not in this moment. Reflecting on their earlier topic of conversation, Passionstar randomly blurted out, “I like brutal weather!” His voice a little too loud than he intended. “I mean, I really like powerful thunderstorms or flooding and stuff like that.” Slightly the nape of his neck bristled, a bit self-conscious as he shared this information. “It probably makes me sound...malicious in a sense, but there’s just something soothing about it that makes me...calm.” His voice lowered into a deepend whisper. Almost as if it was a secret that only the two of them needed to keep between. Winking, he later added, “Just thought you might want to know something interesting about me. I won’t share too much though,” He paused to laugh. That’s your job to figure me out. Truth be told, Passionstar didn’t think he knew himself too much. His unpredictable nature allowed him to believe that he was quite the spontaneous fellow that never planned out any specific motive. “But, it’s a start, don’t you agree?” He jabbed her playfully with one of his paws. The start to a deepened, glorious friendship.