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Old March 26th, 2018, 06:42 AM
Gone Gone is offline
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Default Re: ShadowClan Territory

Originally Posted by hiraeth View Post
a lithe molly padded within the territory, her expression kept to that of pride. she allowed a purr to slip through to the surface, her multicolored pelt freshly groomed and ready to lure another victim into her grasp. the she-cat looked around, eyes bright and mischievous as she decided where to go next. of course, she wouldn't go to twolegplace. not after seeing her old mate the last few times. raising her tail to swish it within the air, the molly purred and turned to the right, deciding to walk until she found another living soul to speak to. come on, weaselshade! you can do better than that, she thought, then shook away the voice. weaselshade's nose upturned and she stopped for many heartbeats, sniffing the air for anything that may fight away her boredom.

@Raven & Co
A dark pelted molly padded through the territory. she often left camp in order to get some time to herself, though, there were some cats she enjoyed being with, but she hated being in camp, it was always so noisy, how could they even stay here? She slowly made it through the territory, a sound caught her attention, pawsteps, and they soon seemed to stop as well, though, from the scent, she could tell it was a Shadowclanner, she then made her way over to the scent and a slight smile formed on her maw. "Weaselshade, so that's where you were." She mewed and padded over to the she-cat, there seemed to be a hint of happiness in her eyes, which was pretty rare, her green hues went over the she-cat and a purr rising in her throat.
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