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Old March 30th, 2018, 12:43 PM
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Mauve Mauve is offline
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Default Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by blue jellie View Post
When she heard her mentor's words- or previous mentor? It was too difficult to tell- Flashpaw opened her eyes and sighed with relief, comfort filling her gaze. It made her so happy to know she had no hard feelings with her mentor and that she could continue on to her ceremony. At least Flashpaw would sleep better at night, knowing that her mentor supported her in whatever choices she did make throughout her bumpy life. "Sorry for shocking you like that," she apologized suddenly, noticing the astonished look on the molly's maw.
But then, she realized something. Servalwing had always been the quiet one, only saying a few more words than Flashpaw in their training sessions.
And yet, the news must've shocked some words into the feline, as they had just said a ton. It made the female happy that her warrior mentor still cared about her and wasn't hurt by the decision. She searched her blue eyes carefully, looking for any signs of hurt or guilt. Finding none, she returned Servalwing's happy grin, her jaw twitching as her lip split slightly from lack of use. She'd smiled so much today her jaw hurt and her lips were splitting and bleeding, but it was worth it. "Oh, stop it! I won't be the best!" Never had this female been so happy to know she was cared about by more than just her sister and (maybe) her mother. She just hoped it would last- but, like any moment of joy, it would end eventually. That's how Flashpaw saw it, really. Nothing lasts forever. Though, frankly, didn't that mean her depression would end, too? The she-cat really didn't know anymore.
"You will though. I know StarClan has great plans for you, Flashpaw." Servalwing purred, winking at the younger molly as she waved her tail back and forth behind her. It warmed her heart to know her apprentice would be giving her service to the Clan in such a special way. Perhaps with her help, it would also easy the load on Daydream. She didn't know the ShadowClan medicine cat too well, but it was clear to see that the stress of healing an entire Clan alone was weighing heavily on their shoulders. She'd received some small scratches in the battle, but decided to not worry Daydream with them; they were already healed and didn't even hurt that much.

Redirecting her attention back to Flashpaw, the ShadowClan warrior grinned once more, touching her nose to her apprentices' - now former apprentices' - head. She was glad the molly had come to tell her instead of letting Goldenstar inform her. A rush of admiration for Flashpaw coated her veins and she simply grinned at her apprentice.

As she was opening her mouth to speak, a rush of pale fur came flying from the side, eyes wide. It was unusual to see Rosepaw move faster than a sultry walk, but excitement filled her gaze as she nearly crashed into her sister, skidding to a halt and causing dirt to fly up around her. "Flashpaw, is it true?" she asked, her voice raised and green eyes wide. She basically ignored that Servalwing was there, as all her attention was focused on her sister at the moment.

A small chuckle escaped Servalwing's maw and she simply offered a dip of her head to Flashpaw. "You'll let me know when the ceremony is, I trust?" she mewed, shaking the dust that had gathered on her fur from Rosepaw's arrival. She smiled at her one last time before she murmured a farewell to both apprentices and trotted off, tail swishing behind her. Rosepaw still had her eyes trained on Flashpaw, eagerly waiting for her answer.
❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄
walkin' in a winder wonderland~

Last edited by Mauve; March 30th, 2018 at 12:43 PM.