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Old April 9th, 2018, 02:08 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Owl View Post

Windcrest felt her body heat up at the sound of Duskflight's purring. She felt happy that he was happy. She did, in fact, enjoy the spot he chose because he chose it and he thought it was a good spot for them. Duskflight obviously wanted to chose a spot for the both of him and Windcrest thought it was nice that he wanted them both to be happy with the spot. Settling on beside him, just a few mouse-tail lengths away. She looked over at Duskflight and let out a very adorable little chuckle. He was waiting for her to take a bite before he began eating, when his eyes gave away that he was hungry. That and if he didn't notice it, she thought she heard a small growl of displeasure by his stomach at waiting to be filled. The feline gave him a smile and leaned down to her piece of prey and took a small, dainty bite. The prey wasn't exactly fresh but it was prey, good enough for her. She didn't want him starving. Peaking over at him as she took another dainty bite, the feline watched the other as he would begin to eat. She wanted to see how funny he'd look finally feeling relieved he could eat now that she had taken a bite.

"Hmmm..." She murmured as she listened intently to the tom. "M-maybe...we could...uhmm." She stopped mid-sentence afraid the tom would be unwilling to help her with hunting the birds. Secretly, she just wanted to do something with him. She wanted to make him happy, happier than he seemed to be. Duskflight looked happy but he looked a little disconnected from WindClan, a bit like he felt like he didn't deserve to be in WindClan. Maybe it's because he had left for a short period of time? Windcrest wasn't sure but whatever he was feeling, Windcrest wanted to reassure him that he was accepted and he was certainly wanted in the clan. Windcrest almost looked cute as she acted shy about asking him to help her hunt the small birds. She wondered if he would want to. Knowing Duskflight, even for a short time told her he would definitely help her. "Would you h-hunting sk...skills?" She tilted her head, almost kit like, making her look innocent and pure. The white oddly dappled feline waited, her cerulean gaze staring expectantly at the tom resting and eating before her.
The black and white tom waited patiently, not completely sure if she had noticed that he was waiting for her to take the first couple of bites before he would start eating. His stomach quietly groaned and grumbled at him, he only hoped they weren't loud enough for anyone but him to hear. He didn't show it on his face that he was hungry, and didn't even give a flick of his tail to signify it. The only thing that betrayed him was the very sound of his stomach. Shortly after she took her dainty first bite, Duskflight would carefully lean his own head down, trying his best not to tear into it even though his body screamed to eat it as quickly as possible. That it could be the only meal he could get for days, that if he didn't eat it as quickly as possible, it would somehow disappear, taken away by scavengers. And he managed, partly, but still, it was visible that he was trying very hard to restrain himself. His blue eyes nervously glanced over every few moments to try and pace himself with her, his claws subconsciously sinking into the soft earth from concentration.

Licking his lips, he forced himself to pause his eating as she began to murmur in response to his own words. His head tilted in curiosity as she trailed off , in the process of suggesting something for them to do. The pause seemed to last a bit and hesitantly he would try and take a few more slow bites of his food before she finally decided that she wanted to reveal what she wished to do. "Improve your hunting?" Duskflight smiled a bit, nervously wiping at his nose with a paw. "You won't be learning from the best.. But I can certainly try to give you a few pointers. The only reason I'm halfway decent is because I'm a quick runner." He admitted modestly with a small dip of his head and chuckle, flicking an ear and going back to take a few more bites of his meal. Carefully his gaze would flicker over to her to find that her gaze was fixated on him. Does she think I'm a good hunter? I hope not, I don't want to let her down...

Credit to the wonderful Endless on WCO for my profile picture! Wonderful picture of Hannibal <3
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