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Old April 10th, 2018, 12:26 AM
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Default Re: RiverClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by starfall View Post
The leader had been up to anything at that time. A rare thing. It was always something for the brawny tom, whether it be his own problems, his clanmate's problems, his clan's problems, heck, even other clan's problems. Something was always ripping the leader from his slumber, keeping him from closing his eyes and resting. Recently it had been the ordeal he had with his deputy, Rowanflower, pregnant and running around in a storm, he was surprised she didn't get hurt more than she did. Now, however, was a rare moment of silence, no voices were screaming at him in his head, no clanmates asking him to do them a favor, no pressing deed to be done. Silence. Of course, it scared the leader as much as the noise did. Being able to hear nothing but the wind outside and your own heartbeat is indeed a weird feeling, and he wasn't used to it...quite yet. The doddering of paws outside his den awoke him and pulled him from the silence. He perked an ear and lazily opened one eye, looking at the visitor. 'Snowstar?' Thunderclan scent swamped his senses and he shakily picked himself up with a grunt, still incredibly sore from the events of yesterday's storm. However, as his lapis orbs adjusted to the sun that filtered in between the vines of the fronds that draped across the opening of the den, he noticed that instead of a purely white coat, he was, instead met with a flaming one. The tom narrowed his eyes and his ears flicked back, a frown evident on his face. 'Who in the name of Sta-is, is that her deputy?' Fallenstar leaned forward, trying to get a better look of the tom, and after a second, he concluded that it was, indeed Snowstar's deputy. Or atleast, her former deputy, he had no clue she was no longer the leader, nor that he had taken her spot and received all 9 lives. "Passionflame, yes, yes I wasn't doing anything anyways." he stated, voice gruff, sore from all the shouting. It felt as though his throat was ripped to shreds, of course, screaming over thunder would do that to a tom. The ebony feline let out a sigh and shifted himself in an attempt to get more comftrable "What I want to know is...why are you here? If you're trying to get me to go against Snowstar's back I ain't doing it. Jeeze, don't even think I'm gonna keep my clan in this war either, make sure you let her know that when you get back." he huffed, but, it came out as a wheeze more than a huff, commanding voice, something he had acquired in his few moons as both deputy and leader. Honestly, it sickened him.
Upon seeing the ebony tom come into view, Passionstar have a formal duo of his head to display his respect, as he done with many. As much as Passionstar felt anxious inside, he kept reminding himself to keep this visit short and sweet because he didn’t want to take much of Fallenstar’s time. When he was given the alright to proceed to talk with the Riverclan leader, Passionstar slowly approached the den, his eyes gently scanning the area and admiring the different use of substances that hiwnoen den in Thunderclan lacked. He never officially been through Riverclan’s territory, as he had no reason to, but he did enjoy the visit here. It furthered his knowledge that every part of the forest was unique and beautiful in its own way. Fallenstar’s voice caused Passionstar to direct his attention to the dark furred tom. Ruffling his fur slightly, Passionstar gave a nod of understanding - to which, he vigorously shook his head. “Go against Snowstar’s back? Heh, no I’m not here for that at all. I would never - I’m not insane to ever go against Snowstar’s back...well, actually,” Passionstar paused for a moment to collect his thoughts together. Unconsciously, Passionstar paced back and forth, a quirk to always stay moving. At least moving around kept his thoughts flowing and far away from anstuttering squirrelbrain tom. “Snowstar stepped down. She resigned. A few days ago, I received my lives. I’m Passionstar now.” The flame colored tom spoke briskly. Stopping only for a moment to glance briefly at Fallenstar, then began he resumed his motive. “Trust me, Fallenstar - I’m with you. New leader and all, I don’t want Thunderclan to go through this war. We deserve peace, don’t you think? You and I both.” Evidently, Passionstar agreed with the Riverclan leader. As leader, the most important thing was his clan mates’ well-being. Passionstar always felt that the entire territory of Thunderclan could be demolished or taken, but as long as his clan mates were safe...unharmed, then Passionstar was willing to rebuild; something much stronger, sturdier, grander. Passionstar regretted initiating the fight with Shadowclan. He was high-strung from the surprise attack that cost him his warriors’ lives. Passionstar stopped once more, flicking his ears back as he detected the raspiness in Fallenstar’s voice. “Snowstar won’t need you any longer, you can bet that much. But, me? I’ll still need the help. I’m humbly asking you for a partnership - or...something similar to that.” Passionstar slowly drew out his words to make sure Fallenstar understood him. It was not his intention to bring another clan into a war that was meant for Thunderclan...but now every clan was brought into the tension. This was everyone's fight. “You know how Windclan and Shadowclan can be very sneaky...” recalling the past events and surprise battle that both clans done on Thunderclan. “What if you’re next? Wouldn’t you want someone to have your back?” Passionstar had padded about until he stopped once more, looking at Fallenstar from the corner of his eye without turning his head. He almost looked as if he was persuading Fallenstar to stay in this brutal game. In all honesty, Passionstar just needed a balance, someone to help him out on this new journey - and, who was better than the Riverclan leader? Fallenstar had came to Thunderclan’s aid, and Passionstar felt that he was forever in their debt. Aside from that, Passionstar was quite wary that his mind would shut down and the decisions he made might have been the downfall of his clan.
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