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Old November 25th, 2016, 05:50 PM
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Default Re: SkyClan Skyrock

The journey from SkyClan to the Whispering Cave, then back to SkyClan, had been a taxing one, but it wasn't until his paws touched the familiar surface of the clearing that he realized how deeply exhaustion sunk into him. He partially blamed it on his unpredictable and erratic appetite, since it hadn't allowed him to consume a decent meal before they'd set off, not that he felt any hungrier now. Grousestar, however, seemed as energetic as ever, and Rabbitfluff didn't envy him; he still had to address the Clan and announce his ascension to leadership.

The nod was returned with a weary glance, blue eyes a window to the fatigue pressing at him but despite that, he mustered a faintly encouraging smile. Not that Grousestar needed it, as he appeared to be adopting this lifestyle in stride, embracing it.

Ears tilted forward in interest, Rabbitfluff watched as Grousestar claimed his rightful place atop the Skyrock and began speaking to the Clan. As the announcement proceeded, he kept his tired gaze on the brown tabby, sometimes not even truly hearing what he said but how he said it because there was something mesmerizing and soothing to his words, subtle reassurances that life would move on from the era of Lemonstar and return SkyClan to its former state of glory, and he had no doubt Grousestar had the ability to bring them there. The more he talked, the more comfortable and natural he grew, and it reinforced the idea that he was the right leader for the Clan; it wasn't taking him long to grow accustomed to the position after all. Rabbitfluff merely hoped to StarClan that his acquired duties wouldn't bog him down and cause the tom to lose his external cheer.

When the subject of the deputy was brought to attention, he briefly shifted his focus away from Grousestar and peered through the gathered crowd, wondering who his choice would be -- there were so many suitable warriors up for the task, but he trusted his new leader's judgment. Having never been the best at yowling names at ceremonies or outwardly expressing emotion that tarnished his image as a proper feline, Rabbitfluff offered Auroraflame a respectful dip of his head after it was announced that she would be the next-in-line beside Grousestar, a wise decision on his part.

Once it was determined that the meeting was over and his clanmates started returning to their dens, Rabbitfluff habitually fell in step with other warriors; he was drained after the day's whirlwind of events and didn't understand how Grousestar wasn't collapsing. Pausing, Rabbitfluff cast a glimpse in his direction and turned slightly to face him, expression softening. "Congratulations, Grouse," he murmured, recalling the other's request to address him informally (though he had a feeling he wouldn't remember in the future.) Although compliments weren't necessarily easy for him, he managed, "I have faith you'll be a wonderful leader."