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Old May 8th, 2018, 07:20 PM
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Default Re: The Cats of Magnolia Avenue

Originally Posted by Silver Fishie View Post
(So, I recently read “The Cats of Roxville Station” by Jean Craighead George, and I thought that kind of topic was cool!)

Puff is a calico tortoiseshell shecat. He fur base coat is a deep brown, with an oaky and rowan tinge That is only noticed when looked upon closely. Her face is tapered to a sligh wedge, her face soft and dainty. Her head is split in half, a result of her chimera genes. One half is a light ginger tabby cat, while the other side is a dark mess of ginger and brown and black splotches. Her ears are large and have nicks in them, but her whiskers are still intact and long, graceful, hues of white. Her eyes are amber in her left, with rays of sunset gold and flecks of lime green near the iris. Her pupils are a dark yellow, ochre. Her right eye is blue, a deep blue of oceans. The color fades to an ice blue near the rims, with spots of green. Her nose is coal black, and her teeth are long and a bit yellowed. Her body is a scramble of colors, but her front right paw is pure orange tabby, a sandy color, and her left back paw is pure black, blacker than night. Her tail is also mottled, but has three rings of sandy orange near the tip.
Her attitude is mainly kind, but more of tolerant. She has a set territory, and she doesn’t like cats of any type, close to her or not, near her nest. They touch her belongings, they’re dead. While wary, she is normally welcoming and kind to visitors, who are passing through. Don’t expect to be allowed to stay. She isn’t very trusting, or trustworthy, because if you put your life in her paws, she would most likely drop it. In a pool of acid. Being eaten by a bear. Who was being eaten by a lion. Who then fell into a ravine. Who then- what am I saying? You get the picture. Her face is kind, and her body is small, but she has managed to pack in a lot of power into those tiny claws, and she rules her own little kingdom, called Magnolia Ave.

Magnolia Avenue
Magnolia avenue is known for its bright and blossoming cherry trees in the spring. The red branches and delicate flowers are pink and cheery. Among those trees, there are sky high oaks and evergreens, perfect for hiding and climbing. Houses line the paved road, all neat and orderly.
The people:
Magnolia Ave, 815, yellow house. This is where the ‘cat lady’ lives. She sets out opened cans of food every morning, for the strays who come and go every once and awhile. The kind, weathered widow has a large front porch with a lazy swing (Puff’s suntime napping spot) and a large garden out back. The garden has many plants, the best plant being a large rosebuds here out back, perfect for dozing off in.
Magnolia Ave, 816, old brown house. This house is abandoned, and most cats stay away from there as it is extremely cold and ‘haunted’.
Magnolia Ave, 817, gray house. It has a small young couple, a girl and a boy, who are always seen with their two year old boy, Jon. (Jonny) They are very kind to the strays, but the female twoleg is highly allergic, so whenever she is around the felines are sure to watch out for a shout or kick from a scared human.
Magnolia Ave, 818, this is the loud house. Cats stay away, as this old weathered couple has five kids, Angelica (17), Smith (15), Robby (12), Georgia (9), and Crystal (3). The loud teens are constantly chasing the cats, and Georgia and Crystal keep pulling their tails. Stay away. Not much else is known on that house, as felines rarely go near. The family is known as the Dover’s.
Magnolia Ave, 819, park. This is the park, with brightly colored swing sets and slides. This place is constantly filled with laughter and basketball games, and DUMPSTERS. This is where the cats get their main supply of food, rooting through the salvageable scraps of meat, and the occasional hamburger.
Magnolia Ave, 820, Empty lot. This is a small place, ringed by old pines and a small koi pond where some fish still swim. The house was leveled last year, planes to build a new house canceled after the demolition. Small things still remain, but this is where the cats dwell.

Roleplay Stuff and Rules
•Basically, Puff is top dog. (Queenella, if you read the Cats of Roxville Station.) She is first in command, but according to this Roleplay the ranks are not set.
•You can move up the ranks by simply stealing a higher ranking cat’s dinner, therefore besting them. So, there is no leader.
•Follow all WCO rules.
•This isn’t a clan, so there aren’t any ‘healers’ or ‘deputies’. There is the top cat, the lowest cat, and the cats in between.
•Do not constantly move ranks! If you want to challenge another cat for their position, please arrange it with the higher ranking cat’s roleplayer first to make sure you aren’t doing anything against them.
•No cat is expected to take care of others. All cats here are strays, and no one is expected to take any measures to make sure another feline is well cared for.
•Put Cats of Roxville in Code section if you read all of this. No cat is attacking, EVER. If you want to challenge another cat, set up a hunting challenge or whatever. Do NOT HARM ANOTHER PLAYER’S CAT. While you’re not expected to look out for one another, the strays are still a group!
•No ranks are set yet! Kind of make a cat, and the ranks will slowly mold around which cat is top and which is bottom!
Does this all make sense? It will if you at least read a summary of the book...

•Battle against them (higher ranking cat) in hunting
•Steal their food
•Battle off by “fighting stances” (Act tough and first to back down loses)
•Chase them out of their nest (Most cats have a designated nest, so the dens will become apparent through Roleplay.)
•Deprive them of one of the necessities (Food, water, shelter, potential mates, etc.)

•Fill out this form!
Have you read the book?:

And then you can post.
I don’t ‘accept’ anyone, this is free to join and I just want you to fill that out so we know what your cat is like!

((I’ll start))

Name: Puff
Age: Around 20 Moons
Gender: Female
Appearance: Listed Above
Personality: Listed Above
Other: N/A
Have you read the book?: Yes

Puff woke up, her tail spiked up with morning dew from the rose bush. She had slept here last night, after a terrifying scare of the Dover children. Little Georgia and Robby had cornered her, but not before Puff had managed to deliver a few nasty blows to their pale wrists. She had hissed at them, spit, and growled, but she wound up hightailing away in fear. She ran to the widow’s house, scampering in the backyard, and cowering down in the bush until daylight. Nothing scared Puff, expect rowdy twoleg kits. She arose, leaping gracefully down from the branches before stretching and yawning loudly, the milky sun just creeping over the fence nearby. Already the neighborhood was murmuring with sounds, and Puff purred gladly.
@Broken Madness @Fuzzyfeline @Blueberry @Boba Fett
(You guys may not be interested but I thought you guys would most likely be.)
Name: Pip

Age: 19 moons

Gender: male, tom


Personality: fun loving, adventurous, reckless, bit of a brat, yet can be respectful and at ease. Doesn't really pay attention to the ranks, and is actually near Calypso in ranking, due to being willing to actually be a haughty little thief.

Other: nothing really, but is it okay if he's the troublemaker? All stray groups have one, at least the one around my house does. I named the jerk 'Jock'. Because they both started with 'j'

Have you read the book?: No, but it sounds really good!

the graceful cat trotted easily down the sidewalk, smirking to himself. Spying the leader, he scooted around various objects until he was standing near her ( @Silver Fishie ) and another molly ( @Ombre Party). "hello Puff," he said calmly, shoulders loose and tail flicking side to side. He raised his chin, giving a playful smile, wanting to see if he could ruffle Puff's fur.

Last edited by Bracken12; May 8th, 2018 at 07:38 PM.
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