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Old May 16th, 2018, 07:50 PM
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Default Re: Love in Summer [private rp]

Originally Posted by RosePelt145 View Post
As Dale Waters stepped lightly from the bus onto the cracked pavement below him, he took a deep breath, tilting his head to the side as he listened to the going ons around him, his guide dog, Phoenix, by his side. He knew she could get him to where he needed to be, having been trained to know each building and cabin beforehand. The black German shepherd gently pulled at the leash, signaling that they needed to get going. The blind boy bit his lower lip, then said quietly, "To the main office, Phoenix." Dale clicked his tongue, and the guide dog led him towards a large cabin, weaving through the groups of teenagers and adults out and about, until they reached their destination. He reached out, grasping the doorknob and swinging the door open. He walked in cautiously, pausing, shaking his head slightly as he tried to figure out what to do. He coughed harshly into his elbow, then struggled to breathe a few moments, before managing to regain his breath. Suddenly, he heard a voice from a little to his left. "Hello, young man. Do you need help...?" Dale headed towards the voice, then paused when he bumped into a hard surface, likely a desk. He could hear quiet murmuring and shuffling of papers, so there were other people in the room. Dale nervously tugged his oversized, black sweater sleeves over his small, slender hands. He kept ahold of Phoenix's leash, then took another moment before he spoke. "I'm... Dale Waters, age sixteen? I just arrived and... I'm guessing I need to know my cabin? And... do I have some paperwork to fill out...?" he silently cursed himself. He couldn't even write, much less fill out papers. What was he thinking? "Aha! You are in cabin B3. You might as well go there now and unpack, you'll be meeting with your cabin mates soon. And no paperwork." As the lady explained all this, Dale tilted his head to the side. He nodded, confirming he understood. "Thank you..." he muttered. He turned, allowing Phoenix to lead him back outside. As they headed towards cabin B3, Dale felt suddenly afraid, but of what he didn't know. He reached the cabin, pushing open the door and stepping inside. He wasn't aware of a few others in the room as he unpacked Phoenix's food bowl and water bowl, setting them aside. He suddenly heard the door open and a bunch of male voices were heard. The residents of this cabin were coming in to be introduced to each other. Dale sat on his chosen bunk bed in the corner, taking the bottom. He heard the group of about fifteen to twenty boys settle in the middle of the cabin to talk and get to know each other, but Dale didn't bother to join them. He suddenly was trying not to cry, and his mind was screaming and closing in. He curled up into a ball, whimpering. He knew a panic attack was coming on. He cried into his arms, while coughing uncontrollably.

((Phew! There we go @Soup I got my creative motion today x3))
(oooooh myyyyy i have to catch up jheez)

A dark haired boy burst through the door of his cabin with many others, laughing at a joke one of them told. Jared came into the cabin last, looking back at his luggage, which decided to get stuck on the door somewhere. It took him about a minute or two to figure it out, and the luggage finally popped through the door. By this time, everybody had picked a bunk and were beginning to greet others. Jared looked around for one, his green gaze scanning the room quickly. Finally, he spotted one above a white-haired boy. Breathing a quick sigh of relief, he headed over. "Hi, I'm Jare-" His introduction died off his lips as he realized the boy was curled into a ball, crying and coughing uncontrollably. "Hey." He soothed, sitting beside the boy. "Hey." He gently placed his hand on his shoulder, as if the boy was as fragile as glass. "It's alright.." He spoke quietly, wondering if this was a panic attack. His lost sister, Asia, used to have them often. Just thinking about his sister made him sad, and his lips twisted into a frown. Asia had died from a heart attack. She had a disease called Angina, which made you have heart attacks often. She was supposed to take medicine for it, but according to her they made her "feel nothing." Everybody in the family knew it was a risk, but they couldn't make her. She had been stubborn and strong-willed, right up until her death. Jared quietly took the boy's arms in his hands and removed them from his face, "You're okay." He whispered, even though his eyes were wide. What if this boy had the same disease as his sister? He couldn't go through that, ever, ever again. His hands started to shake, but he shut them down as soon as they started. 'Now is not the time for wondering things.' He shushed himself in his mind, still making soothing nosies towards the male.

who, me?
day and night, on my mind,
please don't kill the
v i b e.

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