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Old June 16th, 2018, 10:25 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Celestial View Post

Whether or not daffodilkit understood what he was laughing about he couldn’t help but offer a gentle smile in the ginger tomcats direction. He hardly could understand why he was enjoying the other kits company as much as he was, it wasn’t really like him to get so deeply into a conversation he forgot about his anxiety. As daffodil offered a brief smile he felt a wave of shock ripple down his back and tail, he’s smiling at me? Does he like me? Am I doing everything right? the small grey kittens claws flexed into the earth pulling up strands of scraggly grass. ‘ ‘ Well, I was kinda thinking about bugs than I was thinking about what they ate… I thought maybe they ate dirt… Than I kinda thought how weird it would be if cats ate dirt ‘ ‘ he snorted with a little giggle, trying to suppress a wave of gale laughter he felt digging up his chest. The image of Caliaflame, Powdernose and even Passionstar with their muzzles buried in the ground gobbling up chunks of dirt. He snorted again and felt his whiskers twitching ‘ ‘ dirt with bugs in it ‘ ‘ he added a moment later, his eyes watering and his cheeks turning red. After a moment the laughter seemed to fade and looked up at him ‘ ‘ not your friends though… that would be mean ‘ ‘ he added quickly afterward looking worryingly towards daffodil as if he had said something wrong. His small tail began to wave gently behind him until it brushed up against something else he wasn’t expecting. Jerking to his paws he turned to look over his shoulder where he found the mouse half eaten and laying behind him, with a huff of embarrassment he sat back down and lowered his head to glance at his paws ‘ ‘ scared me ‘ ‘ he explained.

Gradually as his heartbeat slowed and repeated a normal pace he too settled down onto his haunches and crossed his paws over each other. He glanced back up at daffodil unable to tell whether or not he was still offended by the bug joke or not so he let it go and slowly settled.

Shoekit being the expert on loneliness listened intently as the ginger tomkit spoke up about his friendships, likewise he felt the same sting of being left out, despite the way daffodil seemed unaffected by the way other kittens kinda ignored him or left him out only coming to him when needed. He also found it noteable Daffodil’s questions comment. Ears slightly perked and body turned to face him, asking too many questions? Silly question? No such thing. the little grey tom sat up and stared at him with his flickering steel blue eyes focused intently ‘ ‘ they leave you out because your slow? And ask questions? ‘ ‘ he said slowly trying to piece together what he was hearing from him. thinking briefly back to his own lonesome ways he couldn’t really recall seeing daffodil anywhere or anyplace before. Maybe because you hide when your scared shorekit..

He couldn’t really imagine what a bugs voice would really sound like he found himself yet again imaging what that would be like. maybe I could find a big and bring it to daffodil. He’ll be so happy! the tom wrinkled his nose and focused back on the ginger tomkit. ’ ‘ maybe we can find the one from yesterday! He seems nice for a start ‘ ‘ he exclaimed excitedly. The thought of daffodil inviting him to see his bug friends brought a new kind of warmth to his chest and a tingling of excitement to his paws. ‘ ‘ don’t pat it too hard, maybe it’ll get squished by your paw! ‘ ‘ he meowed, eyes widened and ears perked. He paused for a moment than leaned over to him ’ ‘ what if I accidentally step on him... ‘ ‘

As Shorekit went on to explain his train of thought, he allowed his gaze to focus on him for a while, a smile of what was akin to eagerness across his muzzle. When it got to the part about eating dirt, the ginger and white tom-kit couldn't help but start to giggle out slowly. In his mind, he conjured up his bug friend from the other day digging through the dirt, eating it and slowly growing more and more plump until he could only roll around, his spindly hooked legs waving in the air. Soon enough his giggles started to turn to laughs as the kitten brought about the idea of cats eating dirt. Now his mind turned from the plump beetle to the idea of his siblings, Ratkit and Bushkit licking at dirt before taking nibbles at it, his mother and father too. Now small tears began to wet the fur around his eyes and his sides began to slightly ache from the laughter as his imagination began to envision the entirety of Thunderclan just eating dirt together, only laughing harder when the other kitten added 'dirt with bugs in it', like the white wriggly ones he's seen in old prey. Slowly his laughter would begin to die down, almost having to wheeze for breath from the exertion. Still little giggles tried to escape him, sending ripples over him, and his muzzle remained stretched into a grin. "No, but other bugs, like the wriggly white ones." He giggled out, not at all making any indication that he was upset, because he truly wasn't.
Finally Daffodilkit had to stop giggling in order to take deep inhales of breath. His head would turn to look over at Shorekit when he saw the other young tom jump to his paws suddenly. He couldn't help but lightly giggle out again as the grey kitten admitted that his half eaten meal had scared him. The giggle of course was not meant in a mean way.

After a few minutes the kit would have his breathing back under control, but he could still feel a dull ache in his sides from all of the laughing and giggling he had been doing.

The conversation turned to ones of actual friends, and he explained that he didn't have a whole lot, if any, actual cat friends, giving the reasons and seeming relatively unaffected by it. And when Shorekit questioned, or rather went to clarify that they leave him out because he was slow and asked questions, he would shrug first before nodding his head.
"I remember someone said that didn't want me to play mossball with them because I'm to slow at running after it or going to hit it. And I also heard someone say I'm too annoying. I ask so many stupid questions that make no sense." Flicking his ear, he would look down at the ground beneath his paws, slowly moving one paw to touch a blade of grass, push it over before letting it stand erect again. It didn't bother him though, he was happy enough to do his own studying most of the time anyways.

"I would love to find the one from yesterday! We should give him a temporary name until he decides to tell us it too.." Humming quietly, he tilted his head and looked upwards at nothing in particular, thinking of a name he could give the bug. "What about.. Shine? Since he looked like he shined in the sun!" There was excitement in his voice as he offered the name, looking over at Shorekit with bright eyes. "No, no, I'll touch him nice like this." Demonstrating on a blade of grass in front of him, he would take a paw and slowly dab at it, barely even pushing it over before smiling innocently at his new friend. And at the question, he seemed to stop and think for a moment before answering.
"Well.. When I patted him yesterday, he had a hard back.. So I don't think you can hurt him too bad!"

Credit to the wonderful Endless on WCO for my profile picture! Wonderful picture of Hannibal <3
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