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Old August 5th, 2018, 11:42 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Clearing

Originally Posted by spring View Post
If he ignored everything that had happened during the most recent gathering, Russetswirl could say that everything was starting to seem... a little more peaceful around here. The war between WindClan and ThunderClan seemed to have ended, and although he was still furious about his successor's decision to not only drag the clan into another conflict, but break their alliance with WindClan, his anger towards Fallenstar was merely a fleeting thought when compared to his pride in RiverClan. Grooming his paws for a couple of moments by the edge of the camp, the elderly former leader's eyes lit up in curiosity at the call of his name, the voice... shockingly familiar, yet reminiscent of someone he hadn't seen in years. Turning his head around to catch a glimpse of this mysterious cat, the tom's face lit up with joy at the appearance of the ShadowClan Medicine Cat, a wide smile appearing on his maw as he spoke. "...Daydream! Thank goodness you're here... it was starting to get a little lonely around camp without your visits."
it took everything in daydreams willpower to not tackle the tom to the ground with affectionate licks, so they settled on nuzzling the side of his face in greeting. "im sorry about that. with everything thats been going on..its been hard to set paws here sometimes," they mewed. juniperpaw had been the setting stone of their mental health, dwindling very quickly after that. and shinefangs actions didnt help either. god, he was such an idiot. but now they had heatherfur that they were growing close to more and more as the days went on. but it was glad to see a familiar face in all of this mess. they plopped down next to him with a sigh,"sometimes i wish you didnt retire, you know? things were alot cooler between the clans." they mewed casually. they hadnt gotten to know fallenstar directly but..something set them off. there was somethign in that tim that made them dislike him with a passion. "though, seems like he hasnt learned after shinefang hit him at the last gathering."