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Old August 6th, 2018, 04:40 AM
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North North is offline
Amor Omnia Vincit
Join Date: Jul 2018
Gender: Female, she/her
Posts: 747
My Mood: Angelic

Default Re: ShadowClan Clearing

The slender tom ambled his way into the clearing, returning from his patrol of Shadowclan's borders. Short brown fur remained well-maintained and neat, despite having not been groomed since this morning. Oakmist's long legs carried him in lengthy strides across the busy clearing, the chocolate tom doing his best not to walk into anybody by mistake. Sea green eyes remained alight with curiosity, as his gaze drifted about the clearing. His alert ears picked up on snippets of conversations, his inquisitive nature getting the better of him as he often found himself listening far beyond what was polite. The tall tom-cat set himself down in a less busy section of the clearing, lowering himself down onto his haunches as he observed the happenings of other cats. He raised a paw to his maw, dragging his raspy light pink tongue along the russet fur there, removing any visible dirt from them best he could. He sat in thoughtful loneliness, thinking about a variety of obscure things. Oakmist was a spiritual cat, yes, but he also believed in the science and physical workings of the world around him. His inquisitive nature often got him in to awkward situations, usually via him asking the wrong sort of questions. The chocolate brown tom allowed his maw to part in a rather large yawn, his front legs pushing out in front of him as he lowered himself down into a long and much-needed stretch. He lacked anything particular to do, given he had conducted his usual patrol of the border, so he sat patiently awaiting some sort of task to come his way. (I feel like this is a little all over the place, so if it is my greatest apologies~)