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Old August 16th, 2018, 03:16 PM
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goddess of ducks goddess of ducks is offline
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Default Re: StarClan Territory

The starry tom ran on through the woods of Starclan. It was the main busy work of his when he was alive, so it made sense for him to do it here in Starclan too right?

No not really. He had no need to eat. He had no reason to hunt. He didn't have a Clan he had to provide for now or a family to feed. He stilhad a family to watch over. Since most of them were here in the afterlife with him. His daughter though was still down in the Clans. Redpaw was there in Skyclan. His heart longed to be with her. He could see her sadness, her fear of getting close to someone for fear they would suffer the fate similar to the rest of their family. He watched over her as often as he could, wistful to see her growing up. She loked like her mother, acted a bit like her and shared her love for the Stars. That was his Little Star down there all alone. As a father, that hurt him, more than any wound he had suffered in battle, more than any pain his leg had given him.

So why did he hunt? Well, he had nothing better to do. Simple and plain. Everyone made STarclan to be this great thing, those in charge, those respected, but really it was just boring. He was stuck here forever until there was no longer any cats in the Clans that knew his name. He feared though it wouldn't last long. He had never done anything great in his life. His most notable things had been his dud leg and the fact he had killed an Evil Era Leaderlong after his reign. But no one really knew that. He had died too. He had watched his son die before his eyes. He didn't feel as if he'd won that. In Cliffheart's mind, no one had won that. Everyone had died, and he felt as if he had killed several others that cared for him in the process.

That was a change though. By the time his death came, the insecure and doubtful tom knew that he had cats that cared for him. That was something he had never truly believed until he found Scorchpetal. Well, she found him. But he had always stayed alone, never wanting to be close, always fearing love and fatherhood. Though Scorchflight had told him he would be great. And for the time he was a Father, he thought he did well.

He couldn't have saved Sagekit. Sickness takes it's course.The murder of Strikerkit by Onyx in secret, he couldn't really have stopped that either. But Beachkit, he could have stopped that. The image still haunted him. The Abyssinian gave a shudder. He was glad the two toms were dead. Singe and Onyx were where they belonged. The only thing good he thought of his last night under the stars was that he had been able to save who knew how many cats from the terror of Singe.

On and on he moved, the crisp starry night air ruffling his pelt. The stars speckling his tan and blue fur suited him nicely and brought just an oomf more of meaning to the nickname he and his mate had.

The Twin Star finally stopped in a patch of light, the trees surrounding him. The clearing he stood in looked a lot like the one he had visted so many times in Skyclan. He could see the tree that mirrored the one that he and Scorchpetal had laid under when she revealed to him that they were having kits. The tree more to the left? That was the one where he had asked her to be his mate. He turned a half circle, facing the way he had come from. That holly bush was the last place he saw his mate before she left for the stars. He could almost imagine the icy blue eyes of Onyx fading into the bushes, proud of his work.

He gazed up, seeing the depths of space above him. It was strange. One couldn't see as many stars up here as you could from the Territories. It made sense, since they were the stars, but he missed stargazing with his mate. The old warrior sat down smoothly, one of the things he enjoyed here. His leg didn't hurt him anymore. No more pains or stiffness. He turned his starry green eyes to the sky, longing for the times that were.

[screams because i miss rping him]

@Empress Of Evil
~Mony will forever be my Twin Star~
~~ yo it’s nighty ~~
~~ I’m trying to come back. All my character will be scrapped and I’ll be starting over. Some of my characters will remain in Starclan, all my main ones. They’re open for roleplay if you would like that. Other than that I’m starting over completely. ~~
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