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Old August 18th, 2018, 03:44 PM
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Default Re: August Gathering

Originally Posted by ~Northern_Lights~ View Post
| @.:Blue Wishes:. |
Mass of silver fur trotted excitedly in amongst Shadowclan's group, a gleeful bounce in her every step. Deep ocean gaze glanced around the seastones, trying to take in every single detail, worried she may never have the chance to again. The air felt crisp and light, as though it were a fresher kind to that of the air in Shadowclan. Silverpaw found herself splitting off from Shadowclan almost instantly, ambling off in whichever direction peaked her capricious attention. She felt almost overwhelmed by the sheer number of cats she didn't recognise, but also intently curious of each and every one of them. She seemed almost foolish, trotting around seastones as though she were a young kit - completely unaware, it would seem, of the tension in the air. But Silverpaw was not stupid, nor was she unaware of the tensions between clans due to the events of the last gathering. She knew, but she chose not to care for them. Why should she allow it to dampen her mood? Her thick pelt appeared well-maintained, as expected given she had spent all day grooming in preparation for what she saw as possibly the biggest event of her life thus far. But as space to gallivant around got thinner and thinner, the young apprentice quickly realised she needed to find somewhere to sit, somewhere to hear and see the events of the gathering clearly. Snatching a spot near the front of the crowd, the silvery she-cat settled down on her haunches - bushy tail snaking around her rump as it hid her small paws from view. Ocean gaze shifted energetically from place to place, keen to find something to occupy her whilst she awaited the words of the leaders.
Rosepaw was trembling, both with excitement and a bit of fear. It was his first gathering, but he didn’t know exactly what to do. Did he just sit here? Was he supposed to talk to other cats? He couldn’t tell. Well, he could tell, he just couldn’t bring himself to speak with anyone. He looked up at Fallenstar quietly, unsure of his leader, as it seemed as though Riverclan was disliked by all the other clans. He could see all these warriors, and they didn’t help his nerves. He shook his head slightly, he kept avoiding eye contact, so it was his own fault, right? He saw another cat who seemed to be another apprentice, and he was tempted to go speak to them, but he couldn’t bring himself to move from his spot, shifting from paw to paw quietly.