Thread: ~Private rp~
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Old September 15th, 2018, 08:05 PM
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Default ~Private rp~


Here is some reading for you:

So he world was in a giant cold war,only in 3032,they dont make nuclear weapons anymore.They moved on to making animals weapons.They kept genetically engineering them and showing them to the public,much like they use to do bomb test and stuff.One day however,they escaped during a showing.At first,people who where not in that area didnt think much of it.Then though,the deaths started to become more and more noticeable,until the world was much like a zombie apocolypse. People went into hiding underground,trying to survive in the world they had ruined.
Scorpion type
It is the second fastest type.Like the other beast,it has large teeth and claws,but it's tail can position it's victims.It can also bite or scratch it's victims to poison them.It walks on four legs and has large spikes on its back,along with a scorpion like tail.

Illusion type
This beast can turn invisible,making it easy to touch it's victims to see their memories.This enables it to create an illusion that will make its victims come toward it.It's weakness though is once someone knows it is there,it becomes visible again.Once it dies,it's illusions walks on four legs.It has a jagged,beak like mouth.It's about half the size of a full grown man.It has spikes going all down its tail and spine.

Infector type
If this type bites you or scratches you,you turn into one of the beast.It almost appears to look like a large tiger besides the abnormally large claws and spikes tail.It is half the size of a full grown man.

Centipede type
This type is the size of a cargo train and looks like a large centipede or snake.It attacks mostly in the same way as a snake,and one bite can paralyze someone.

Brute type
This is the strongest type.It can stand face to face with a human when on all fours and somewhat resembles a large panther.It can walk on two legs though and has scales.It has two large tusk and like the other beast,it has large claws and fangs.It is the slowest type.

Shadow type
Nobody really knows what it looks like because it only attacks in the dark.It attacks in the dark because it becomes completely invisible,so it probably has black fur or scales.It is the fastest type.

so in the original,here was an idea that they would release something like poisonous fog into the air that you could only stay in for so long until you became weak and they hunt you down,but that might be a bit to rp now that i look back on it,so maybe just fog to hide them that they can only make so often?


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Last edited by Static; September 16th, 2018 at 06:59 PM.