Thread: ~The Untamed~
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Old October 2nd, 2018, 09:02 PM
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Default Re: ~The Untamed~

Originally Posted by ~Wild Moon~ View Post

(For Elizabeth)
Wild was walking through the building, looking around. Her glowing magenta eyes were filled with worry as she turned her head. Spotting Elizabeth, she walked over. "Hi.." she said. The normally cheery and optimistic child seemed to have quite a different mood today.

(For Lilac)
A silver-haired girl fell back and landed on her bottom in front of Lilac. "Ack!" she squeaked, the sound much different from the polite, calm tone she normally had, especially in front of her adopted father, Fierce. "Ah... Um... Watch where you're.... going??" she struggled to resume her normal manner.

(For Skylar)
Melody walked by and sat at the table next to Skylar. Her bright, yet not glowing cyan eyes gazed at the figure near her, before they went back to focus on her hot cocoa. She didn't really like coffee much, but she didn't understand why. She normally enjoyed bitter things..
Originally Posted by Hopekitt View Post

She could see it.

She ran towards the red ball of fire, leaping into the sun.
There she could see clearly; her brother Mercury. Eating the entire sun; all the flames.
He was growing larger and larger, and he turned around and looked at her.
He waved and opened his mouth, breathing fire all over her and killing her in the process.

Venus jerked open from her dream.

She breathed quickly, blinking her eyes a couple of times to clear the vision from her head. "It was just a dream," she said out loud to herself. She was sleeping on the gray couch in her apartment. Well, technically it wasn't hers; it had been abandoned for the past 25 years and so she had claimed it as her own. Quickly she got up. Her adrenaline had been going as soon as she had jerked awake, and so she had no problem getting out of bed. Her cheek was stained with blood, and there was a gash on her neck that was still half bleeding from last night's fight. She checked the couch. There was some of her blood stained on it. "I'd better get going." She said. She'd been followed and attacked last night by someone who worked for the Untamed. She'd been drugged a few hours before, so she was only half aware of her surroundings at the time; therefore an easy target. There had been a fight, and although Venus had won, she'd been injured.

She grabbed a book, grabbed the door handle, twisted it, opened the door, and walked outside to the coffeehouse. She never actually drank the coffee; however she liked to sit down there for a while and read to clear her thoughts. She preferred tea over coffee, but had forgot to make some before she left. Quickly, she got ready to headed over to where she usually sat. However, as soon as she walked through the doorway she saw that it was already occupied. She let a hostile look take over her eyes, put her book in her small bag ( looks like an extremely small black bag. could be mistaken for a purse. empty inside except for the book she put in. )

She briskly walked towards the woman occupying it, but to other people she looked like she was just casually walking; she was a regular here, and she usually walked quickly when she came. "Who are you?" She inquired, looking intensely at the woman. To a stranger, it might have looked like she was angry enough to want to slap the woman ( Skylar ) with her small bag. She could feel a strong aura coming from the miss, and could tell she had a powerful power. However, this did not scare her; she had an equally strong ability, and she could always count on her celestial spirits. At least, the ones who actually had brains. She had a feeling one or two of the celestial spirits she had made contracts with had only accepted because they were attracted to her appearance and not because they wanted to help her. That's how some of them acted, at least.

(This is all for Venus. I'll have a separate post later for Mercury. Also, since Black Cat isn't online, want to rp Venus and Melody? @~Wild Moon~)
Elizabeth looked at her. She wasn’t the best with communicating with people. It was a miracle that she even managed to have a few people join. Even though Wild was younger than most of the others-only being 14- she has decided to make her a Recruiter. She wasn’t sure why, she just did it. That was the way most of the things of her life went. She just did it. “What’s-er-wrong?” She asked awkwardly.

Lilac let out a huff of disgust. Did someone really just bump into her? Well, technically she bumped into the other figure on the ground. But still. She was in her way, it’s what she deserved. It was probably a stupid Tamed... She looked up to see the one she collided with. Immediately she looked at her eyes. It was an instinct. The others eyes were... she couldn’t tell if they were glowing or not. They didn’t look dull like a Tamed had. A mix between a Vivid and Aura... is that even possible? Or was it just her mind playing tricks on her? “What’s wrong with your eyes?” She bluntly asked.

Skylar heard footsteps coming her way. Was it someone kicking her out? What did she do in their minds now? But as she looked up from her drink a girl about her age, maybe younger, was standing their. The twenty-one year old stayed silently. What was she taking about? An Aura, by the look of it. As soon as she thought of that, she couldn’t help but want to kick herself. ‘Stop thinking like that. It doesn’t matter what their eyes look like.’ She glanced back up at her. She had an angry expression. What did she do wrong? Her mind started racing. Did she accidentally offend someone and this girl is here to tell her off? Or... or... Skylar realized that she still hadn’t answered her question. “I’m... I’m Skyler.” She stuttered out. ‘Great job, making a fool out of yourself.’ If only she has an ability that she could use in day-to-day life. Like mind-reading or something. Then she could figure out what this girl wanted.

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If I don’t respond within 72 hours, please feel free to message me! Just to warn y’all, my immune system is trash so please check my profile to see if I have said anything about being sick ^ ^ So I don't get too overwhelmed (again), I'm only gonna have cats in Riverclan or as outsiders, so please keep that in mind if you want to rp with me for whatever reason (:

Last edited by Silhouettes; October 2nd, 2018 at 09:03 PM.