Thread: ~The Untamed~
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Old October 3rd, 2018, 06:27 PM
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Default Re: ~The Untamed~

Originally Posted by ~Wild Moon~ View Post

(For Elizabeth)
"It's Melody..." Wild trailed off for a bit, before continuing. "You know how she worries about me. right?" Not waiting for a response, she blurted out: "She might want me to leave if she finds out about this cause it's not safe and I don't want to do that but she'll make me go and I don't waant toooo...." She paused for a bit, blushing a little out of embarrassment from the fact that she started whining at the end. "Sorry about that... ahaha....."

(For Lilac)
With those words, Echo immediately got up and drew herself up to her full height, which wasn't that tall but still gave her an air of importance. "In case you didn't know, Lilac, I'm Echo, the adopted daughter of Fierce, leader of The Justice. I may be just half Aura, but I can still kick your behind any time!" She seemed cool and collected, but there was a half-hidden dull edge to her words, as if she didn't quite believe them herself.
Elizabeth opened her mouth and then closed it. What was she supposed to say in a situation like this? “It’s... it’s not her choice to decide what you do or don’t. Think of it like... a sport or an elective in school. She can’t tell you what to choose there. Why would this be any different...?” She didn’t mean to, but her words came out slow, and more like a question. She stood up from her previous sitting position. “Don’t be embarrassed, it’s alright. We have to show our emotions somehow.

Lilac stood in place. Crap. She should of recognized the little brat. She thought she was so ‘high and mighty’ because her adoptive Dad was the leader. Well, at least in the wolf-shifters mind that’s how it was. Her usually swaying tail stopped and she froze. Couldn’t she... kick her out or something? She could influence Fireces motives and... there she went. She was about to say something before she simply turned her back and started to walk away, trying to get out of the situation.
Originally Posted by Hopekitt View Post
(( Oh sorry!! ))
Venus eyed her warily. She seemed quiet enough. "Thanks," she said under her breath. She wanted to know about what happened to the old coffeehouse Skylar used to go to, but Venus wasn't in the mood to talk at the moment. She walked to the other side of Skylar and sat on the chair, a few scootches away from the 21 year old female. She wasn't fully trusting of the woman. Venus took her book out of her black bag. Survivors, Exile's Journey. She wondered where she'd found this book; she usually didn't take books like these to the coffeehouse with her. She preferred to take a comic book in the mornings, to help cool her off and clear her thoughts instead of fill her head with words. It wasn't that she hated chapter books; she rather enjoyed them. However, she didn't take particular delight to them in the mornings.

She felt odd sitting down next to this young adult. She was an extremely quick reader, and had finished the chapter book in the 15 minutes she'd been there so far. She'd already been a quarter of the book done before she'd came. However, usually she stayed longer and she didn't feel like leaving early today. She thought about her position at The Justice. Maybe this Skylar person knew something about The Untamed? Venus felt particularly vengeful today after last night when she'd been attacked, and it didn't hurt to ask. Although the 19 year old didn't feel comfortable talking to Skylar right now, she felt like it was necessary. "Do you know anything about this group called The Untamed?" Venus inquired, making sure Skylar knew that she was talking to her and not to herself or some random stranger.
Skylar shifted in the awkward silence between the two. Neither said a word. She would usually just drink her coffee and go, but now she didn’t know what to do. Should she talk? Or just be quiet? Is it rude not starting a conversation with someone or was the other girl-Venus-supposed to start it. She didn’t have very many chances to communicate with others, she was home-schooled until the last two years of Highschool and even then didn’t have very many friends. It all seemed so stressful to her now. Most people her age would go on a date or go to a bar. But she was here. Drinking coffee. With a girl she didn’t even know. When Venus asked the question she didn’t move at first. She didn’t know why. It was just an instinct, maybe? Some of her acquaintances were also in the group, and she didn’t want to sell them out. It’s not like she’d seen them in a while, maybe only since the last year of school. Skylar barely remember there names, as it was. “I’ve heard of it.” Her eyes darted to the other girl. She seemed annoyed that she had to talk to her. Like it was her job or something, not that she wanted to do it. Weird.

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Last edited by Silhouettes; October 3rd, 2018 at 06:28 PM.