Thread: ~The Untamed~
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Old October 3rd, 2018, 06:54 PM
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Silhouettes Silhouettes is offline
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Default Re: ~The Untamed~

Originally Posted by Hopekitt View Post
Venus's eyes glowed stronger as she listened to Skylar. Perhaps this hadn't been such a horrible idea after all, although she still hated having to talk with this random female when she was supposed to be reading. However, she didn't have much of a choice; she didn't have a book, since she'd finished hers, and she'd started a conversation. She figured she might as well keep it going, and so she opened her mouth to speak. "Anything you know about I it? Anyone you know part of it?" She asked, prompting this girl- Skylar, she'd better start calling her that- for an answer as she gave her an intense look. However, she didn't want the girl to know that she needed any of the information, and she certainly wasn't giving away her position to this stranger. Who knew if they themselves were part of The Untamed, or if she was going to give something important away to that horrible group?
She thought about this and after a few nanoseconds plastered a fake, uninterested look. This was where her acting classes would pay off. She was hoping to become an actress, and this was a way to practice. Her uninterested expression looked pure; however, she made sure she was staring at -what was her name? Ah, Skylar. Right.She made sure she was looking at Skylar while she was talking, looking for any sign of something she could use, or to see if the woman was going to lie to her.
(Sorry it’s so short!)
The blood-healer glanced at her once again. She didn’t seem like the type to be interested in a group deemed as terrorists. There were rumors of another group that was meant to stop the Untamed. She didn’t see why such an organization would be created if the government was also trying to shut the former party down. It just didn’t make any sense to her. Skylar felt nervous around this girl. Like she could use whatever she said against her, or something. She could just be paranoid, though. “Someone who ran I business I went to was in it. He got caught though.” She said simply. She had run out of cod and debated getting more, but decided against it. The bandage was coming off of her finger. She had to prick it pretty deeply to get a drop per the area of the wound. She had little pain tolerance, and something like that sent her finger throbbing in pain.

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Last edited by Silhouettes; October 3rd, 2018 at 06:55 PM.