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Old October 9th, 2018, 09:54 PM
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Default Re: Last Wolves On Earth #2 (Private)

Originally Posted by Shadomaru View Post

A strong wolf sitting on a high stone watched his pack from below, he needed to do something soon, his pack was getting weakened by the other packs and something needed to change. When he was thinking, he caught a movement by the entrance. He jumped down ready to defend against another attack but to his relief it was just Amber with three new wolves. He walked up to Amber. "I wasn't expecting spies from the others." He sniffed them and realized they were unfamiliar. "Oh, not from here I see. What business do you have here." He demanded. All the while he was looking down Sunset. Another she-wolf is what they deeper needed in the pack for pups.
”I found the young male in our territory. He seems to be calm, and well mannered. A good herbalist? Or maybe a negotiator. While the older male has some attitude, he looked like a strong wolf back in his younger days but looks otherwise useless now..and the female, she has quite amount of bravery, an excellent warrior? She seems to listen to the young male without hesitation however..” she spoke of them as if they weren’t even there, however once she started mentioning Sunset she lowered her voice to where only the alpha could hear.

“I’d thought you’d like to see them sir...” she looked over them. “Majority of them would be a great addition to the pack..” she concluded after she made her report.

Sunset’s eyes widened “How dare y-“ A tail swatted her side and she glared at Sage, who unusually looked wise beyond his years and for once didn’t have that sparkle in his eyes. He seemed to have realized something daunting about this place, and he was warning her. But why? She saw he worded the words ‘Shush and don’t say a word.’

Reluctantly she clamped her mouth shut and instead gave them her signature glare.

Ig: _vintagetee_