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Old October 13th, 2018, 01:33 PM
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Brunch Brunch is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2016
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Default The Abandoned Twolegplace

The abandoned twolegplace is situated on a hill, surrounded by a dense thicket of spruce trees. Quaint and quiet, it has been forgotten for seasons, letting fauna and flora seep into its walls. The twolegplace is rundown and forgotten, made of rotting wood and rusted metal. Its roof is tall and seems to scrape the sky. It would be considered a beautiful sight, if there wasn't a disgusting scent of rotting wood coming from it. The scent masks most other smells, creating a protective barrier for all of its feline inhabitants. Inside, there is furniture scattered around loosely, creating an odd aura of eeriness. Many rats and mice are found in its walls, as well as rabbits that have secured the front lawn of the twolegplace. Only every once and a while, twolegs many come across it while hiking; most of the time they bring their dogs with them. The house is inhabited by a cat by the name of Wyndam. The she-cat is very aggressive and protective of her territory that stretches from the twolegplace into the forest by a few fonxlengths. The cats that live in the surrounding forest know not to go near to rundown twolegplace, as Wyndam searches her borders almost constantly, in an almost obsessive way.

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Last edited by Brunch; October 13th, 2018 at 01:50 PM.
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