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Old December 6th, 2018, 11:44 AM
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Default Re: SkyClan | RiverClan Border

Originally Posted by BILL. View Post
Firehawk hadn't attended any of the peacemaker meetings, although he was aware of them and agreed with their stance. He had chosen a neutral path, one in which he had no intention of rallying, but if given the opportunity he'd fight beside them for the sake of the Clan and his family. He was never one to throw himself into the middle of conflict, it wasn't in his nature-- there was a reason why he had survived since Fallowstar's leadership, through several wars and a dark era.

He had never been close to a leader, had little experience with the decisions that came with the role. The nearest he'd been was his friendship with Spritefire, Fallowstar's spirited daughter who became a close friend early on in his Clan career.

Eyes flicking to Mistfall, he considered her question. Iceflower was doing fine, and it seemed their kits were alright too, despite some of the questionable things he knew his sons were doing. "They're fine," he answered. "I know it's been a hard transition, but they're adjusting well. I know they can't wait to get back home." And Firehawk couldn't either, he was tired of the shrouded forest. No matter where they went, it seemed devoid of life. "How has your daughter been settling in?" He was fairly certain Mistfall had adopted a young she-cat, but it was possible he was incorrect. This was the first time he spoke directly to her, and it was difficult to keep track of the many Clan-mates he'd seen throughout his lifetime.

She nodded as he explained that they had some difficulty but were doing well. The warrior was glad that her clan-mates were able to adjust to these troubling times. She knew that they all yearned to return to their old camp, but she hoped that they hung in there. No one was sure how long they would be forced to live out here, everybody wishing for this to be all over. Mistfall knew that this wasn't over and it wouldn't end soundly, no matter what happened. Her mind briefly wondered to the time when Riverclan had to live with Shadowclan moons ago due to the flood. It was so strange. Shadowclan had taken Riverclan in at that time, and now they helped drive Riverclan out of their own territory. The relationships between the clans were so fragile and easily switched from ally to rival. It was annoying.

The molly was brought out of these thoughts as Firehawk brought up her daughter. "Ashpaw seems to be doing fine. I just feel bad for her. She had joined the clan not long before all of this happened and I worry that it may be too much for her. She probably didn't expect these kinds of things when she first joined. I want to protect her from this kind of troubles.... But she's so strong for staying loyal to Riverclan through all of this," pride warmed her heart and tone as she said the last bit. Mistfall wished that she spent more time with Ashpaw, but she wasn't exactly sure how to be a good parents. Perhaps she had rushed into things when she adopted the helpless kit moons ago. She had adopted another kit - Yukon - right after she had become the age of a warrior though she had lived as a rogue during the last bits of her apprenticeship to a few moons after she was old enough to be a warrior. She was so impulsive then, becoming mates with her best friend at the time and adopting a kit together despite being way too young to be able to take on that responsibility. Not Yukon hates her and the two haven't spoken in so long, neither of them knew what happened to the other. Mistfall feared the thought that Ashpaw might grow to dislike her and they would become estranged as well.

Ears flattened in embarrassment as her stomach gave off a sudden and angry growl. Pale blue gaze slid around the area again, this time scanning for signs of food. She didn't remember the last time she ate. Did I eat yesterday? She had been so stressed over Riverclan's move and joining the peacemakers against Fallenstar in secret to really keep track of when she ate. Flicking her tail she turned back to the orange and white tom. "Maybe we should hunt? Bring a few fresh-kills back to camp for the clan?" Firehawk seemed convinced that nothing was out of the ordinary here so it should be fine to switch to hunting, right? The clan wasn't doing too well with prey as of late. Putting aside the fact that prey was getting more and more scarce as the season grew colder, they did not have the river that they did back in their true territory. Few of their clan-mates knew how to hunt land-prey since they were use to hunting fish in the river so there was never a need for them to learn how to hunt things like birds, mice and moles. Mistfall had heard that Firehawk use to be a loner prior to living in Riverclan and believed that that might mean that he can hunt land-prey. She, too, had learned how to in the moons that she lived as a rogue, though it was far from impressive and only knew enough to keep from starving.
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