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Old January 20th, 2019, 02:08 PM
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meraki meraki is offline
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Default Re: what’s your damage? {private}

Originally Posted by mvoxhu View Post
Tattered converse scuffing against the grainy concrete below, mud-streaked laces trickling down the sides tentatively, as if they were afraid of touching the grey slabs of flooring underneath them. A deep chuckle resonated from the silver-headed boy, as he finally waded his way to Michael's side. With a cocky smile on his face, the male poked one of his hands into his back pocket, before pulling out one of the lollipops he had bought earlier. Then, he tossed the fruit-flavoured candy towards his friend, shouting a 'Think fast!' as he did so.

The teen stupidly shook his head from side-to-side, the grin on his face only stretching out further as he did so. His gaze fluttered to the now open space beside the freckled boy, and he certainly didn't have to think twice before ensconced himself upon the step. His elbows rested upon his knees, head caressed between two large palms. Grey tresses swivelled down his forehead, dangling just above his eyes which were glancing at the shorter male beside him. Lucas lifted his head off from his hands, reaching out one of his arms to gently shove at Michael's shoulder. "Oh, shut up." A snort escaped from his nostrils, as laughter threatened to spill from his lips once more.
"Ever consider a haircut?"
The small half smile broadened into a grin as the other approached, and he pushed the wavy locks from his eyes, glittering with humor. Michael managed to clumsily catch the lollipop, picking at the wrapping for a moment before shoving the wrapping into his jean pocket and placing the candy in his mouth. The hazel eyed boy thought for a moment, before saying, “Cotton candy, hm?” Michael’s sweet tooth was no secret, he’d stop at any shop to buy candy whenever he found a quarter or two on his way from school.

The brunette’s knee’s rapid bouncing made his whole arm move up and down as he leaned forward with his sharp elbows on his knees. The sudden shove from the other boy made Michael laugh, an uncommon feat. The teen pulled the candy out of his mouth, mostly so his words were intelligible and not slurred together. “Rude, my hair is just fine. And we both know that if I buzzed it all short you wouldn’t be able to differ me from that mailbox over there,” Michael replied easily, pointing at his own mailbox that stood on an angle in his front lawn, part of the metal bashed in from older teens driving by with baseball bats. Another smirk grew on the freckled teen’s lips, knowing he wasn’t wrong.
i tried to write your name in the rain
but the rain never came
so i made with the sun
the shade,
always comes at the worst times

character site: wip
art: my da