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Old March 7th, 2019, 07:07 AM
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Fawn Fawn is offline
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Default Re: RiverClan Medicine Cat's Den

Shiverpetal's ears perked as Firehawk entered the den, a warrior he actually recognized from a past visit, but he didn't remember the blood being there before. "Oh hey, would you look at that - I see what you mean. That's not a good look on you," he commented, noting the caked, dried blood and how it clashed with his orange pelt. "Might wanna wash that off, huh? Then, I dunno, maybe we'll make you into a cobwebbed cat caricature if it's still bleeding."

Lazily, he bounced a mossball toward Firehawk, inviting him to it since he wasn't about to lick the bloodstains away and hoped he wouldn't either; every cat that'd received a wound knew consuming blood was a fast track to a stomach ache.


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