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Old April 2nd, 2019, 12:46 AM
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Cindercloud777 Cindercloud777 is offline
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Default Re: Dark Forest Training

Nightclaw's head snapped towards Dawnpaw, letting out a guffaw at the apprentice. "Is that what you truly gathered from this, young one?" He questioned, clearly unimpressed with her commentary. "I do not recall mentioning heading straight into battle. Or am I mistaken, Stonefrost?" He shot an amused look to his 'clanmate.' "However.. I do believe we mentioned training first. How about you clean the mouse-dung out of those ears and pay attention." He snapped while shooting an insult at the apprentice. "We've been plotting for many moons and will not allow for a single mistake to be made, is that understood?" His hardened gaze wandered between Dawnpaw and Duskwing, giving a nod. "We chose each and everyone of you because we have been watching.. Seeing what goes on in your feeble lives. You all have been destined for this very moment.. For us to teach you and fulfill your deepest desires. Each of you want something deep down and have been unable to reach it. Join us and we will be the ones to provide what you seek."

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