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Old April 7th, 2019, 10:02 AM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by ~Silverkit~ View Post
Sun'drown was sitting down on the clearing, her big blue eyes having a spark in them. Her long fluffy fur blew in the wind . She padded to the fresh kill pile and got a mouse. She sat back down in the shade and began to eat. @Doodle
Sunmist trailed into camp behind the rest of the dawn patrol, eyes fixed on the fresh kill pile. The tom was starving, and his rumbling stomach had caused a few jokes to be thrown his way during the patrol. Normally he'd make himself hunt before eating anything, but he promised that he could make up for this by hunting later. He had, after all, done something for the clan this morning, so it wasn't like he was eating before doing his duties. Picking up a frog, he turned and moved in the direction of his usual spot, finding that a molly was already seated there. Not one to be deterred by others, he padded to her and sat down. Hey, Sundrown. Mind if I join you?" The golden tabby didn't know Sundrown all that well, but he was sure she wouldn't be bothered by some company. At least, he hoped she wouldn't be!

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