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Old April 18th, 2019, 01:01 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan's Conflict

Passionstar went through processes as to try and mediate everything. He tried to bring peace among the fighting clans, this civil war was ridiculous and beyond redundant in his opinion. The first process was talking things out. Try to raise your voice for everyone to hear and solve the problem to eliminate an uprising war. If that didn’t work, the next process was breaking it up. If cats didn’t listen, then it was time to take action and pull them apart before more conflict arose. If that didn’t work, the next step was listening to both sides. Try to find out why things were getting out of hand and see if there was a solution to the problem. However, if everything was loss, and violence was brought forward, then Passionstar knew it was time to fight. He couldn’t get through to his warriors, which he didn’t understand why they were being impishly troublesome. The tom always had patience, but when everyone was virtually ignoring him, it set off the ticking bomb into a force to be reckoned with. His golden-green orbs dazzled with abundant desire to be fierce and just throw himself into the fray. Passionstar never had a second thought when it came to war. This was his clan, his cats, he should had took precautions and thought more maturely, but when cats didn’t want to listen, then action was the next best action to take.

[ OPEN, to more than a few responses. I’m debating on if I want Passion to lose one of his lives but I just don’t know which cat I want to take it.)