Thread: Thunderglade
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Old April 23rd, 2019, 10:26 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan | WindClan Border

Originally Posted by Zath View Post
Hawkshade's eyes narrowed as the scent of a Thunderclan cat rolled to him on the wind.
The lean tom had been hanging about the border for some time, thinking that knowing Thunderclan wasn't meddling would help with some of his nervous energy.
He saw a huge orange tabby.
On HIS side of the WINDCLAN Border.
I think NOT. the brown tabby thought viciously.
Slinking low to the ground, he crept up just where he could see the orange tabby.
"What in the name of Starclan does he think he's playing at?" Hawkshade asked himself.
"he... oh great Stars. He's playing with a butterfly! like a KIT." he hissed under his breath, watching the orange tom fiddle with the white butterfly.
If Hawkshade himself had been, maybe 10 moons younger, he would have played with the butterfly too. But he had a duty.
Keep strangers out.

(Hawk's philosophy of borders: Stranger danger! Don't know you, don't recognize you? GET OUT)

There was a little flutter from the tiny butterfly that showed off its delicate wings. It was really quite nice to observe the intricate webbing that spanned the width of the wings, sort of like leaves? No, more like flower petals. Of course, there was a reason for the flutter, one that he was also aware of. He and the butterfly were no longer completely alone, a faint scent on the breeze and very light rustle of stirred grass told him that much. Well, if the other cat wasn't going to bother him, then he wasn't going to bother them, that was that, though he suspected that wouldn't be the case for long. The large tabby also didn't feel very much like moving, and if this was going to be some sort of big reveal for the other cat, then why should he ruin the surprise? He settled down into a more comfortable position, tucking his paws underneath him and curling his tail along his side, a little close to the line, sure, but not quite over it. The butterfly also decided to relax after a moment or two of fluttering, continuing to do whatever it was doing on the bush. Perhaps eggs for caterpillars and more butterflies? If that was the case then he'd have to make sure to swing by this bush more often, it'd been moons since he'd last watched a butterfly go from start to finish in their life cycle, he'd certainly enjoy doing so again.
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