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Old April 25th, 2019, 12:10 PM
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Calliecat Calliecat is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2017
Gender: Female, but I'm a total tomboy.
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Default StormClan Sign-ups

Hello, warriors fans and welcome to StormClan Sign-ups. This page will include information on the clan, allegiances, rules and other information b ut will not be a roleplay thread. That will be made once we have enough members to roleplay properly and linked on this thread once it is set up, so please resist roleplaying here and keep posts solely out-of-character (e.g., making forms, talking about characters, asking for permission, etc.) Thank you!

Territory: StormClan territory lives in the center of a mostly birch forest.
Prey: Same as ThunderClan, apart from the fact that the streams running through the forest allow for fishing, too! StormClan cats are pretty ok at swimming.
History: StormClan was originally called BristleClan and led by Oakstar long ago. Since then, BristleClan was almost completely destroyed by pollution and calamity (read StormStar's backstory for more information) and eventually renamed StormClan.

Leader: Stormstar (me)
Deputy: Rainheart ( @Airabelle )
Medicine Cat: Poppydusk ( @Sharp moon )
Medicine Cat Apprentice: Almondpaw ( @Delta )
Warriors: Flickershade (me), Cloudbreeze ( @Ainz Ooal Gown ), Aspengaze ( @Zath )
Apprentices: Open!
Queens: Open!
Kits: Open!
Elders: Viperstrike ( @Ainz Ooal Gown )

If you want to join, here is the form:
Desired Rank:

Please do not bully, by the way. In any shape or form, it is not appreciated and you will be stripped of your highrank within StormClan if you have one - if your character does, anyway. I'm not good at rules, but this one I'm taking seriously. In the Out-of-Character thread, I don't want any arguing about changing characters, their sexualities, or anything like that. Being mean is not helpful. It just causes more trouble.

To the people I worked with to create the clan and those that may be interested:
@Sharp moon

Thanks and enjoy!
I want you to be happy
Just not quite as happy as you could've been if you had stayed with me
I hope that you're successful
Like maybe not your dream job, but a really solid second choice with a smaller salary
And I know one day you'll meet a girl
I bet she'll be dumb, and average looking
so when I compare myself to her I won't feel so sad about what we might've had
That would make me happy!
~~~Happy by Beth Crowley~~~

Last edited by Calliecat; April 26th, 2019 at 07:46 AM.