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Old June 5th, 2019, 08:57 AM
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Default Re: CloudClan Begins.

Originally Posted by Silvershadow View Post
The tom beckoned to Streampaw. "Can you find a small but tough stick along with two other ones that are slightly longer?" The tom's ear twitched as Bluepaw gave Littlewing some herbs to soothe the pain, a large wad of cobwebs at his paws.

Fowerheart nodded, a warm flutter in her chest as she padded towards the three young kits. "I can show you..." She meowed softly, coming to stand beside Grovekit.

Blazingflame limped into camp, his dark ginger fur hiding the large gash along his side. Flametail looked up from where he ate a vole, whom he shared with Leaftail, his eyes watching his older brother, his muscles tensed for any sign that he may fall.
Grovekit looked at Flowerheart, "You're not my mother," he growled, but Mottlekit nudged him.

"No, but she'll take care of us all the same. Smokefur said that Flowerheart will care for us now. Flowerheart - that's her name," the small calico looked up at the cat she'd hardly ever met, purring gently and butting her tiny head against the she-cat's forelegs. "Thanks for watching us. Rushwhisker is annoyed that she can't care for us ourselves, but she told me that as long as you loved us as if we were your own she'd guide your pawsteps as a mother."

Finchkit tilted her head, studying Mottlekit. There was a pause before the young kit shrugged and turned to Flowerheart, "Now what?" she squeaked.


Bristlebramble had to resist snarling at Streampaw and Bluepaw as the she-cats touched Littlewing. She's trying to help her, that's all. Calm down... He glanced at Mudclaw, "But - but she'll be ok? She'll live?"


With a tense twitch of his tail, Redrunner took in Dawnpaw's words. "Careful," he muttered, taking a few steps forward toward the bushed Dawnpaw had been pointing out. "Wait here," he said, loping into the bushes. There was a pause before he came out with another mouse in his teeth, "Just a mouse!" he called, throwing it at his apprentice's paws. "Now, where's Oceanbreeze got to? She ought to be back by now with some prey..."

(And no, there's not going to be any more cat deaths for a bit)
I want you to be happy
Just not quite as happy as you could've been if you had stayed with me
I hope that you're successful
Like maybe not your dream job, but a really solid second choice with a smaller salary
And I know one day you'll meet a girl
I bet she'll be dumb, and average looking
so when I compare myself to her I won't feel so sad about what we might've had
That would make me happy!
~~~Happy by Beth Crowley~~~