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Old June 7th, 2019, 11:11 AM
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Calliecat Calliecat is offline
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Default Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Sharp moon View Post
Linnetpaw looked at his mentor then at the two cats. "Hello." he mewed looking at Wrenfeather, thinking that these cats might not be from ThunderClan.
Mossflower twitched an ear, "He's a bright-looking cat," she commented and Wrenfeather purred gratefully, flicking her tail over Linnetpaw's ear affectionately. "Is this his first time out of camp?"

"It is," Wrenfeather replied, and Heavystorm nodded his head.

"Train him well, Wrenfeather," the large tom reached over to touch his nose lightly to the tabby's ear before turning away, "Say hello to Passionstar for me," he flicked his tail and he and Mossflower trotted into the thick bracken, leaving the two ThunderClan cats standing at the border.

"Those were ShadowClan cats," Wrenfeather explained, beginning to pad along the scent line, keeping to ThunderClan's side, "Heavystorm and Mossflower, old friends of Passionstar. Either way, you must remember that they're not part of our clan and are part of ShadowClan. One day, in the future, you may meet them in battle," she meowed. It would have been nice to see Tigerstripe with them...
I want you to be happy
Just not quite as happy as you could've been if you had stayed with me
I hope that you're successful
Like maybe not your dream job, but a really solid second choice with a smaller salary
And I know one day you'll meet a girl
I bet she'll be dumb, and average looking
so when I compare myself to her I won't feel so sad about what we might've had
That would make me happy!
~~~Happy by Beth Crowley~~~

Last edited by Calliecat; June 7th, 2019 at 11:11 AM.
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