Thread: June Gathering
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Old June 9th, 2019, 05:33 PM
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spinachsprite spinachsprite is offline
Join Date: Jun 2019
Posts: 126
Default Re: June Gathering

( open c: )

Cowslip scowled, sitting on the outskirts of the throng of warriors that had accumulated before the gathering leaders. Sea air warmed her mouth, her whiskers twitching in impatient curiosity at how the following scene would unfold. The array of cats on the coastline looked peculiar here, a mix of scraggly felines of assorted shades, mannerisms and occupations. Some searched for friends from other Clans - how a relationship between clan members such as those had developed, she dared not question - and others talked quietly amongst their fellow members. She glanced about herself, trying to look prim and proper. Being out in the open in such vast numbers certainly ignited a peculiar feeling of empowerment, but the unease of late Clan events left her on edge. Dogs loose in the woods. She hated dogs.
She eyed her leader, looking frighteningly fragile beside the finest royalty the forest had to offer. The young molly was determined to prove herself, but couldn't resist the way her fur bristled and her eyes darted to and through, untrusting, and desperately trying to anticipate how a gathering with such tension was due to play out.

Last edited by spinachsprite; June 9th, 2019 at 05:34 PM.