Thread: Hound Attacks
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Old June 10th, 2019, 08:45 PM
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Default Re: Hound Attacks

Originally Posted by spinachsprite View Post
Troutrunner had just joined the fray from the back of the Riverclan patrol when she noticed the senior warrior, cornered by two large and drooling canines. Her days out on the Twoleg streets had taught her a few things about dogs, particularly how they love to fling themselves around walls to step in your puddle of sunshine before being yanked back by their overbearing owners. Troutrunner crept around the side of the dogs, who were focused entirely on the wonderfully russet feline opposite them, and took their moment of distraction as an opportunity to attack. Without wasting precious seconds of Foxheart's time, she dove into the first dog, yowling and fastening her mouth onto its forelimb, twisting her body beneath his to scratch with sharp backclaws across his yellow belly. The dog yelped and twisted to bite her, but she released his leg, propelling herself forward and scratching his grizzly muzzle before dashing backwards to Foxheart's side. She gave him a nod and braced herself as the dog, bleeding from the nose, belly fur stained with ruby but hardly bothered by the comparatively small cat scratches, began to approach them again, carefully stalking forward, teeth bared and frothy mouthed, eyeing up the bristling felines.

Regaining his breath the senior warrior watched his Clanmate fend of the dogs. Honestly he was impressed. She was good with dealing with them. She should've been in charge of some training session for dealing with these mutts. Foxheart thought bracing himself. Returning the nod, but if gratitude, the russet warrior waited as the two mangy dogs got excited and charged them. In a half crouch he waited counting the heart beats as they got closer. Jumping to the side of one of the dogs he slashed at its cheek. The dog recoiled by jerking its had at him snapping, just missing his own face. Leaping on to the foul creature Foxheart dug his claws into it's back, right behind the head so it couldn't reach him. Clinching tightly the tom risked a g glance over at Troutrunner. He couldn't see the molly from were he was dog to the jerking and bucking of the dog. The warrior hadn't fought many dogs in his day RiverClan didn't get many and he was born and raised their. Fox he's fought you get a patrol and just got to a st it out, but this was a hour of dogs, beats that were so stupid they couldn't get enough sense to run. She best be okay, I don't want to see that warrior hurt after what she helped with.
Originally Posted by RedHead View Post

Flintspirit was on the most edge he could possibly be. His breathing was heavy, he was exhausted. The dogs were too much for him, too much for the three clans trying to push them out of their territory. Many cats had been injured, and he was starting to worry about their standing against the large brutes. Flicking his tail, and shaking his head to dislodge some blood that was trickling down his face, his green eyes scanned the clearing. It wasn’t long before a yowl was heard, and he spotted a young-looking cat fling himself at a very large dog. Flintspirit’s heart clenched with sudden fears or the young tom, knowing full well how stupid of an idea that has been. But cats acted stupidly in the middle of a frenzied battle.
Letting out his own yowl of warming, he launched himself in the direction of the large dog and apprentice, hoping with all his might to distract the brute somehow. He knew their tactics of fighting separately weren’t very working, but the more pressing concern for him right now was saving this young tomcat.
Reaching the dog in record time, Flintspirit let out a loud growl and slashed at its face, his claws catching the dog’s cheek. It howled in protest, lunging for him with snapping teeth. Flintspirit dodged the attack, albeit stumbling a bit, as he looked around to see where the young tomcat had gone. And if he was okay.
His green eyes searched frantically, but it wasn’t like no before the dog attacked again, this time it’s aim ring true, and one of its claws smacked into Flintspirit’s side, knocking him off his paws. Getting up quickly, Flintspirit let out a yowl, launching himself for the dog’s back, ignoring the ringing in his ears and the pain in his side. Where are you little cat?

It took this long for the gray and white tabby to realize it was a bad idea he's acted in impulse and the dog could tell. Being flung off Ospraypaw was pushed through a thorn bush being torn but by its sharp points. Oh StarClan that was mouse brained. He thought tugging through the bush head spinning. Shacking his head he noticed a large tom fighting the dog. Who? His pelt stung and blood ran from the cuts he'd made struggling to get out of the thorns. Shacking his head he hurried over to the warrior to realize who it was. He's Flintspirit?! Getting distracted the dog lunged at him though he actually avoided the attack, very narrowly. He was terrible at fighting this thing. Get it together! You'll never be a warrior who can make Arouraflane proud of you die before your a warrior! He scolded himself eyes narrowing. He was going to get through this and he was going to become a warrior.
"Thank you Flintspirit!" He exclaimed not risking looking over at the larger tom. If they had met at a gather ing he would have been more formal, maybe, but he wasn't risking it. He didn't want to die with nothing to show. He couldn't be a disappointment or a useless apprentice that was nothing but a waste of food.
Ducking under the dog he nipped its feet, a thing that was quite affective on cats, get the best was just angered by his action and as her spin around the mutt met him with swift gaping jaws. Letting out a yelp of fear and surprise the young tom tried to escape. To late. He couldn't dodge in time, Ospreypaw was grabbed by the canine, it's sharp teeth sinking in his face and black of his head. It wasn't trying to kill him though. The dog just shook its head tail wagging in excitement. No... I can't..
Adopting out all my characters but these two beans:
~Rainpaw~ ~Petuniaflame~

I'm leaving wco once I tie up losse ends around here, I appoligize for the Rps that will have to end but I thank you all for being so wonderful, love y'all