Thread: Hound Attacks
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Old June 11th, 2019, 01:47 PM
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Default Re: Hound Attacks

Originally Posted by The Cannibal View Post
It was absolute pandemonium, Grousestar never thought that the dog problem would get this out of control, and yet here it was. Strangely enough, he never felt more alive. He felt more alive now than he had in the past couple of months, it was strange but pleasant to feel the adrenaline coursing through his veins.
You can't focus on that now, there are cats to protect and dogs to fight. You can reflect later. The Skyclan leader thought to himself, backing himself closer to some other cats to get a breather. This wasn't how the fight should be going, its as if every warrior here had lost their brain and was just fighting blindly and wildly, like they didn't train for at least 6 moons to become what they are. There needed to be some order, some collective plan instead of senseless and erratic fighting.

The brown tabby would turn his head to focus on a cat who was speaking amongst all of this, speaking the very thoughts that ran through his mind. Who are they?
"You are very correct, this wild fighting with no direction is getting us no where! We need to focus them and attack as one instead of many. It's harder for them to pick off cats if we all surge forward at once!" Nodding his head to Frostflight, Grousestar would then look to the cats they had. It was strange to fight alongside another clan for a common cause. A few moons ago he wouldn't have thought it possible and yet here they were.. In fact.. Skyclan was grateful for the aid that Riverclan provided. He would need to speak to Fallenstar. For now though, they needed to drive these dogs away. Perhaps this would enlighten him towards choosing a new deputy, Starclan knows that he needed one.

@Calliecat @Charmer @Aquilex

Frostflight's breath caught in his throat as a small wave of emotion crashed over him, validated by the nods and motions of agreement between the felines that gathered around him. All looked familiar but he couldn't put names to faces and though he knew they were not all of Riverclan, he felt safe... protected with the skill of more experienced warriors than himself. As a large brown tabby spoke up, giving him a small nod, Frostflight would simply return a solemn dip of his head before turning to look at the decently sized group of felines. They were ready and it was even more so apparent as a fellow member yowled for them to go. It was unexpected, but Frostflight would easily move with the group - keeping a steady pace as to stay in formation with them. His heart was pounding in his chest, ears blocked with the pulsing of blood. Icy eyes focused ahead of him, targeted on a tan canine ahead though he watched as part of the small group redirected to barrel into a more unsuspecting target. Alarm bells were ringing in his head, screaming at him that this was madness - they should have stayed with the group, but it looked as if they had handled it - the dog barreling away into the underbrush. Turning his head to inspect the others beside him he gave a yowl, "This way, herd this dog! Keep the others away!" And at the call, Frostflight would only hope they would follow him as he raced towards a medium sized canine. It seemed to know they were coming, the dogs hackles raised and its lip lifted to expose its gums as it snarled and barked, but Frostflight swallowed the fear rising in his throat, simply racing around and around the dog, letting out an occasional war-cry in an attempt to startle and confuse it. He was sure that the others would try and leap onto it, so he would keep any strays from coming to help it's companion. It was the least he could do. It would seem silly for him to attack it. All he could imagine was himself and another cat colliding by accident - then they would both be dog chow!

As he made another round, the sound of underbrush crackling would alert him to another canine heading their way. This one was much smaller, closer to Frostflight in size, though still a bit larger. He could handle it. If any clan cats had been circling around with him, he would step out of the path and barrel himself headfirst directly into the yappy little thing with an audible "OOF." The collision sent the dog backwards but also Frostflight as he tumbled to the ground, taking a second to catch his breath before leaping to his paws once again, his back curling upwards as the dog scrambled up. A guttural hiss left his throat, eyes locked in a dangerous glare.

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