Thread: June Gathering
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Old June 12th, 2019, 06:45 PM
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Default Re: June Gathering

Originally Posted by Arie View Post

{Sure thing ahaha. - Would recommend finding some old Breezy posts - I do have a word document, cause he's an interesting character to say the least ahah}

The silver spotted tom who had been busy watching a certain cream colored apprentice looked up as something - or rather someone - bumped into him and at the angry snarl he had to reign in a shorter temper that old Breezefeather actually hadn't processed. No, old Breezefeather had been patient... But with the loss and gain of his sanity he had managed to loose something, maybe that had gone with his mate when she left him... He hated it but he kept coming back to these thoughts... he thought they would go away but he assumed now, that they would always haunt him, always be with him as memories and curses. Finally answering the senior warrior Breezefeather said pointedly and bluntly, "Yeah you're obviously both blind and deaf and unable to scent anything cause you bumped into me, not the other way around."

He watched as the other tom sat down, Wolfeye from Shadowclan apparently. "Breezefeather," he said curtly, having lost his interest in chatting already. It was proving harder than anything else to be told, the fact that he had to gather his sanity in small bits and actually formulate those into words that wouldn't sound rude or like the other was talking to a wounded animal. Yet he wasn't blind, he should be happy for that. He knew of a blind cat in Windclan - one who actually rather recently had lost their eye sight - Eaglesoul. Breezefeather hadn't seen the young tom in a while and hoped him all the best. Yet focusing on the matter of hand - which was this large grey tom he sighed. "You're tense. What's the matter?" He didn't wanna beat around the bush, better get to the problem hard and fast, unlike what he had done by running from it forever.


Doepaw, the small grey/brownish tabby, was shocked when she heard the voice so near herself and the young apprentice jumped up with a shook, her fur standing on edge and she turned around rapidly in a circle in a mess of a panic. She was aware that this was her own fault but she had never been to a gathering and her own mentor rendered useless at the paws of the dogs made this harder on her and with her anxiety problems she obviously struggled but she finally stopped and scented the air and it was an off scent, something she wasn't used to. Was it possibly, was it Shadowclan? That had to be it. She sat down again, trying to play it cool but she could feel herself shaking all the way down to her whiskers and she was mildly afraid that she was even making the ground vibrate...

She once again wished for Doeflame's presence. He was the only cat she had actually relaxed around and now she was expected to come out of her stumbling shell and start talking to this stranger? She supposed this was what gatherings was all about, ;earning how to interact with others... What was it the elders had said, something about knowing that they may be your friends tonight but they had to be your enemies tomorrow? Try to keep the enemy mindset Doe. Try to keep the enemy mindset Doe, she chanted into her head. She finally spoke, her voice a stutter filled with nervousness, "Eh, eh... I'm Doepaw. Of Thunderclan. Yes.. Yes.. Thunderclan." She folded her tail over her paws trying to hide the fact that she was so nervous. Remembering that the other cat likely wasn't aware she also blurted, "I'm.. I'm also blind. Like.. Like I can't see you."
((well, Wolfeye is my grumpy old boi. He has a pretty interesting back story, and he's one of my oldest characters. I am glad to be rp'ing him again, but he will do a lot of complaining. Also, his love interest went inactive, so I'm pretty much just saying she died somehow. So I guess Breezefeather and Wolfeye have something in common c: ))

Wolfeye blindly glanced away, but at Breezefeather's words, the senior warrior snapped his head around. "That's what I was saying! You were in my way, so I bumped into you. I said nothing to you about watching where you were going, I had said for you to stay out of my way. Those two phrases have two very different meanings!" he stopped talking , taking a few very deep breathes to calm down. However, at the other tom's question, the blind warrior started ranting again. "It's those dogs, that's what's the matter! I was out in the territory when one of the canines jumped me! Luckily a friend was with me and together we drove it off. But if I'd been alone, it would've destroyed me!" he took another deep breath and seemed to calm down. he wrapped his tail over his paws and his blind gaze was fixated on the ground. "I... I'm sorry. I shouldn't be venting my frustration out on you..." he shifted to get more comfortable; his bones seemed to ache more and more each day. But he still refused to move to the elder's den. He glanced at Breezefeather's general direction and chuckled. "When you get as old as me, you tend to do a lot of complaining." his tail tip flicked. "So, Breezefeather. What do you think about this dog situation, huh? Do you think the Clans are all doomed? That's my mindset, pretty much."

Willowpaw stepped closer to Doepaw, and a gentle smile appeared on her features. "Yeah, I sorta guessed you were visually disabled." she paused beside Doepaw and wrapped her tail over her paws. "Doepaw? That's a beautiful name. I love it. I'm Willowpaw." she sighed. Might as well let it be known. "I... I have an eating disorder. I can't eat solid foods, it'll kill me. My stomach can't digest it. Pretty much everything I eat is chewed to a poultice by my mother. It sounds gross, but it's the only way I can eat." she gazed down at her paws. "I don't have many friends because everyone is too grossed out. I am a very outgoing and friendly, and I have charm, but it's rare when someone who's not my mentor or family talks to me." she shook her head. "It took days of begging before my mentor let me come to the gathering." she glanced at Doepaw. "You don't have to tell me, but were you born blind? I know Wolfeye from my Clan is blind, and I know he wasn't born that way, so I'm just wondering if you were?"
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