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Old June 14th, 2019, 02:05 PM
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Default Re: Skyclan's Move to Riverclan

Originally Posted by SuspiciousMindz View Post


Coconutbreeze was confused. Why was Grousestar doing this? They didn't come all this way to just throw away their clan, did they? Especially to the clans that want nothing but war lately?

The fluffy tortoiseshell frowned. What would her parents have thought? Almondfall especially? She wouldn't have let this happen. What about Aspenflash? She trekked with her clan nonetheless, her eyes low and her tail dragging.
( hope u don't mind )
Onionshell was currently walking alongside Coconutbreeze , an excited look can be seen on her face as her tail bobbed side from side no more hiding ! I can finally see Runningbrook freely now! Thank you .....thank you.... she didn't know who she was thanking, she supposed it was Grousestar ....but she still didn't feel it was safe to openly thank him. But they were on the move yes? So it shouldn't be that bad....still a little voice in her head was telling her to stay silent a little longer. She looked over at Coconutbreeze and noticed that the other warrior wasn't at all a happy camper about this , she understood , it'll feel weird , it won't be home. But to her home is where the people she loves , not the place where you grew up in. She felt some of that pain too so she was able to sympathize with the other "Grousestar never led us a stray before . It'll be ok in the end. And what were doing is a good thing, it'll bring us closer with riverclan and hopefully we will be one giant family in the end." she meowed as she tried make the other look on the bright side of things. She found many positives . ...But that was because she also had somebody who loved her over there . he'll be so surprised !
" My L'manburg, my unfinished Symphony , forever unfinished....."
I don't care if I lose my miiiinnnndddd ~
Im alreaaaaddddyyyy CUUUURRRSSSSEED-

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Last edited by Leucos; June 14th, 2019 at 02:08 PM.