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Old June 19th, 2019, 09:58 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by Starfall View Post

(woa color change uwu )
He continued to attempt at taming his fur, giving the warrior a glace before lifting his head. "If you'd like." he mumbled. He wouldn't say 'yes please.' Or anything of the sort, his pelt was a mess, even he didn't want to work on it. He didn't even notice it was so messy up until he heard Cedarsprint walk in, now it was like he could spot every single thing that was wrong. The tangles, the knots, tufts sticking up. Why so sudden? He had never really cared about how he looked, unless he was going to the gathering or making an announcement. Now, apparently, he can add something else to that list.

He didn't get it. Well of course he wouldn't get it he didn't deliver it well. Of course, that didn't mean it made it any less embarassing. He hid his face in the warriors shoulder, fur fluffing out a bit. Maybe he just did it wrong, he'd never complimented back really before. "Just happen to catch my eye." he mumbled out. What was he supposed to say? This wasn't good for his health, he could hear his heart pounding in his ears. Why was this so nerve wracking? They were just talking about pelts and sun and swimming. It wasn't like he was swimming up stream or anything. Why was he so out of breath?

As he began to give his reasons for the lack of participation during the New Leaf Celebration Fallenstar looked up at him, amusement danced across his features. "I'm sure you swim just fine. Drowning, on the other hand, I would rather you not do. Ended up saving Lionstorm because Minnowscreech thought it'd be funny to throw a stick." he sighed, leaning more into Cedarsprint. He may have been exaggerating right there, he didn't really hop in and save the, at the time, warrior. "But...I wouldn't mind going in again." his words got quieter and quieter, mashed together as he shifted to look down at his paws. Maybe this one would work? Did he say it...clear enough? He couldn't tell his mind was going a million miles a minute. Of course he'd experianced something similar...sleepless nights and buzzing voices. This was different, it was warmer.

By the second time his head bumped, rather harshly, against the brown felines shoulder he looked back up, giving him a confused look. What was so funny? Was it something he said? Maybe it was how he said it? The leader narrowed his eyes and flattened his ears. It wasn't that funny, what he said. But than the tabby finally said what was on his mind. He took a second to register just what exactly he had said. After a solid minute a smile tugged at his lips. "Beauty contest?" he echoed, a hint of laughter in his voice. "Like, who can bring the prettiest shell?"
Because Fallen-speak was a specialty of his, Cedarsprint inwardly translated his response to, 'yes I would love that' since 'if you'd like' was as close as he was going to get to that. "Could always find a thorny bush and do away with it," he jokingly suggested as he began to straight a few of the tangles and licking other spots back into place. It wasn't a judgmental endeavor when he doubted he could manage the upkeep of fur that was as long as this. "I don't think it'd matter too much since it's greenleaf and everything would grow back before leafbare comes around again, but I do suppose you'd get a lot of chuckles over it. They wouldn't be laughing if they knew how much work this was." It was something Cedarsprint was quickly learning in the couple minutes he'd been attempting to sift through Fallenstar's fur. "You might want to stay away from the nursery for a while, I think it's possible that small kits might get lost in it."

He brightened at the comment. "They should consider themselves lucky," he said easily, a small laugh trailing after. "I guess not every cat would consider themselves lucky to have the attention of the leader on them, but still. Might as well live up to the conceited RiverClan stereotype, right? We wouldn't want to disappoint the other Clans by coming up short." Cedarsprint had no complaints, just when Fallenstar was too busy with other things or wrapped in his own concerns to be sharing with him. That's when they had a problem because Vitamin Cedarsprint wasn't optional.

"That's not a bad suggestion, I'd rather I not drown either. Do I get a personal escort to make sure that doesn't happen?" Before Fallenstar could reply, he was humming, contemplating. "But who could it be? A strong swimmer is required, so maybe... someone who's had a lot of practice and moons of experience, a real take-charge attitude. I might know a tom." Cedarsprint finished his spiel with a knowing look cast at Fallenstar, his thoughtful expression melting into something softer, amused. "Minnowscreech thought that'd be funny?" he said in mock exasperation, shaking his head before grinning. "Well, he was right." His interactions with Lionstorm hadn't been negative per se, but they were enough to prevent him from feeling badly about this particular tragic event in the golden feline's life.

Whereas it may've been nerve-wracking before to sit in the stone cold gaze of Fallenstar, Cedarsprint couldn't say that he minded it anymore or felt the sting of intimidation gnawing at him. This was... comfortable, oddly enough, and he wanted to keep it that way after previously drifting apart. "Sure," he agreed flippantly, "or who can grow the prettiest pelt, that was more along the lines of my thinking." Beauty came in plenty of forms that he could only imagine were infinite, but he was humored by the thought especially since he was currently working through the pelt of a certain fluffy black cat who had enough fur to keep the entire Clan warm for at least two leaf bares.

everything about us is going to be wonderful

Last edited by Fawn; June 19th, 2019 at 09:59 PM.