Thread: June Gathering
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Old June 22nd, 2019, 01:17 AM
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Default Re: June Gathering

Originally Posted by Arie View Post

Hurricane didn't mind the other apprentice's babbling, it reminded him much about himself. He had a tendency to babble a lot, but also running into things. That was what kept him confused. Cause he tended to hit his head on a lot of stuff because he ran into things - or someone - and would usually manage to hit himself. His short gray tail flickered and his ruined ear went back and forth. "You should recognize me... I kinda ran you over last gathering, I think it was you. Yes, your name is Bunnypaw isn't it? I'm quite sure it was you I ran over last time." He was slightly ashamed, but it was the usual thing for the gray apprentice. He was a hurricane, didn't leave anything in its original place, not even himself.

Scratching his remaining ear with his back paw he said, "My name's Hurricanepaw. From Riverclan. And I don't have a funny voice! That award goes to you. Your accent is weird and off. Might be a trait that Windclan cats have." He saw that the silver tom, who apparently had stopped looking at them and fallen in conversation with a tom - possibly from Shadowclan. "Huh, he isn't looking anymore. You're free to come out and look. I am quite sure someone has trapped him so he won't be looking at you anymore. How come you were fleeing from him anyway? My parents always looked out for me. They used to I guess, not anymore unless I manage to get myself thrown in the river."
Bunnypaw's tail thumped against the ground when this tom uttered her name. Even though she didn't remember their first meeting apparently because she didn't think she ever met him before, but his face did have a vague familiarity to it. She just didn't know what it was about. Her nose wiggled, ''Well, then, if that was ya who crashed into me, I don't think that was very gentlemanly of ya! Don't cha know how to treat a lady?'' Her tailed swished behind her playfully as she swatted mirthfully at him with a paw. Besides, Bunnypaw wouldn't had remembered him if there were already so many cats gathered here tonight. She felt a little bad that she didn't remember him but he clearly remembered her.

For a moment Bunnypaw watch the tom scratch his ear, just a little fascinated by the movement. She almost would believe he was acting like a canine with the way he was messing around, but then she was caught off guard when he claimed that she was the one with the weird accent! ''My accent ain't weird, buddy!'' She could be a feisty little thing when she wanted to be, but it was never taken seriously. Her nose would wiggle adorably, like a little bunny's, and that was really hard for any cat to find her to be tough. ''I talk normal like ya, I can't note the difference. All windclan cats don't talk the same. So, that musta make me a one of a kind, I do declare.'' Bunnypaw had her own kind of slang. She didn't talk properly or formally, as she should had. ''Witcha talkin bout how I be talkin, what bout that name of yours? Quite a muzzleload, don't cha think?'' She teased him, and slowly she would remove herself from her hiding spot beside him to start talking in front of him. Her father's gaze was off her, so that meant she was free to talk to whoever she pleased without him getting into her way. She was slowly accepting him back into her life, but a large part of her wanted nothing to do with him still. Baby steps. ''My pa kinda went bonkers after my ma passed away. He used to act like I don't exist, and all of a sudden he wanna come back now? I don't hate him, but I also don't like him either.'' She pouted, almost sadly at the lack of memories that included her father. She always believed her father hated her and that must had been the reason why he wanted nothing to do with her. She mimicked his movement from earlier, deciding to scratch her ear with her hind paw. ''What bout cha ma and pa, hm? Dey round here somewhere?'' She questioned, in wonder. The way he made it sound, it was as if his parents weren't around anymore. For good.