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Old July 6th, 2019, 12:40 PM
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The Cannibal The Cannibal is offline
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Default Re: July Gathering [Leaders]

@RedHead @elysian @Branch of Life @Starfall @Brilliance @BILL. @Dust @SuspiciousMindz @Fuzzyfeline

'How am I going to announce this to everyone? Surely they'll see it as an alliance, and they'll label me as weak..' The thought briefly crossed the brown tabby's mind as he lead his clan to the gathering, his emerald eyes glazed over with thought before they hardened. 'Who cares what the others think because this is an alliance, and who cares if they call me weak because I know that I'm not. I have the whole of Riverclan and Skyclan on my side. Besides, we can talk about possibly splitting up our old territory as a peace offering. Not that that normally goes well with the warmongers'.'
With his mind still contemplating how he would announce the news of his clan and Riverclan merging, he would absentmindedly flick his tail to allow for his clan to flood into the clearing, joining Thunderclan as he made his way to the large stones that the Thunderclan leader was already settled on. He was getting older now, but he didn't really struggle with jumping up to join the other tom and briefly he would nod his head before taking a seat slightly away from Passionstar. Grousestar wasn't sure how he felt about the other leader, he never really heard much from him aside from the typical news about his clan; he couldn't get a good read on the tom's personality aside from perhaps pride.
Regardless, he huffed out. There was also the news about the dogs, Thunderclan had to deal with that problem as well. Glancing at Passionstar as he cleaned himself, he decided to look down at the cats instead. He had spent many moons being a leader, and his entire life had become a rollercoaster of events. With a Riverclan deputy, Grousestar realized that with his death or retirement, Skyclan itself would dissolve into Riverclan and the mountain clan would be no more. It was bound to happen eventually, after that fateful call for aid from the clans that brought them here. He only hoped that his ancestors didn't hate him for his decision. Maybe it was best for Skyclan to finally end. Looking up at the stars, Grousestar remained silent.

Credit to the wonderful Endless on WCO for my profile picture! Wonderful picture of Hannibal <3
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